飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)

(HAECO側)肝心な時にポイント消滅(Beside HAECO)One point disappeared just before important moment



There are some photos taken in the past which we can't take any more now(><)

These days I found a spotting point near HAECO point has disappeared just before important moment(-ω-;)

⇩The disappeared point is this small pier point which I am introducing on HAECO point.⇩

⇩When I tried to visit there last time, I found some constructions had started there and a gate of it had been placed, it completely closed for visitors⇩

I do know what kinds of objects are being constructing but if this place would be private area due to some airport facilities would be placed, we cannot take photos from there any more.
Anyway I have never seen this place was used as a pier in the past(^^;)      

To tell the truth,【under the normal operations before covid era, when most of flights landed to 07L 】 this point has not been an important spotting point because, even this place is nearest to 07L approaching planes but, we can't take right beside shots and, due to the antennas of rescue ship, there may be some accidents that camera may focus to them when planes fly back if them.

The reason why I expressed "important moment" is because this point is good for taking 07R approaching(> <)

To tell the truth, I do not know exact time when this place was closed(^^;)
As you know, airport has operating with one runway, mountain side (07R/25L), during winter planes are following to the lights seen from mountain side, so I have taken photos mainly from mountain point, now sun has moved to north before summer, the planes seen in the afternoon can be seen following to the lights, hoping well shots, I visited this point after long time,,,, I got shocked to see it closed(><;) 

Anyway then, below photos are old stories, I would like to post the photos of 07R landing taken from this point.↑↑↑: こちらの撮影は朝に撮影したので、機体が逆光になっていますが、HAECO周辺と比べて、完全に背景を山にすることができました(^^)
↑↑↑: All of these shots were taken in the morning so planes are back to the lights, but compared with those taken beside HAECO point, I could take planes with full well mountain back(^^)

↑↑↑: こちらは先日の記事に掲載したHAECO周辺からの画像ですが、HAECO周辺から07R降りを撮影した場合、完全山バックはないし、山バックも数カットしかないし、照明類や前を通る車も邪魔です。この便をこのポイントから撮影したら、すごくきれいに撮れたと思いませんか(TωT)?
↑↑↑: They are those I posted these days taken beside HAECO point. We can't full mountain back shots and can't take much mountain back shots and traffic lights and passing cars must bother our spotting. I could take much better shots of this flight from this small pier point,,, don't you think(TωT)?    ↑: あと、このポイントからだと、アプローチの機体が2機きれいの収まることもありました(><)これも期待していた(><)
↑: In addition to it I could take 2 approaching planes well on the same shot from this point(><)I also expected to take this angles(><)


-飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)
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