撮影資料(Spotting Data)

(滑走路・天気記録&フライトレーダー)2021年4月分追加★:(Runway・Weather Record & Flightradar)2021 April has been added★




Now April 2021 has ended, same as every month, I placed the records of runway operations and weather 2021 April☆  
You can see from below or from data page

I'd like to post 6 Flightradar memos this month☆
①一つ目はFly Proの747-200です。以前は真っ白の747を見かけたと記憶していますが、とうとうロゴが付いたようですね(*^ω^*)フルカラーならますます撮ってみたいですよね(>∀<)!!!
①The first one is 747-200 of Fly Pro. I remember I saw all white 747-200 of them, they seem to have painted it with their company color(*^ω^*) It being with company full color,,,I really want to see and take it more(>∀<)!!! 

②こちらも747-200ですが、2つ目はGEO Skyの747-200です。2機(4L-GEO/4L-GEN)がいますが、4L-GEOの方にカラフルなロゴが付いたみたいですね!こちらのエアライン、マカオにも飛来実績があるので、コロナが明けた暁には、ぜひ撮りたいものです(>ω<)!
②Second one is of also 747-200s. This is 747-200 of GEO Sky. They seem to have 2 747-200s(4L-GEO/4L-GEN) but one of them, 4L-GEO seems to have been painted colorful logos on its body!!! I remember they came to Macau several times in the past, I really want to visit there after Covid quarantine ended(>ω<)!!!

③The 3rd one is A343 of Conviasa. They seem to have started operation of A343, I want see it but also hepe them to operate 747s again(^∀^;) 

④4つ目は、マドリードで何度か撮影したことがある、Plus UltraのA343です。コロナでしばらく見かけませんでしたが、最近見かけるようになりました。おそらく貨物でしょうが、中国まで来るようになっていますね(驚)
④4th one is A343 of Plus Ultra. I have taken some of them at Madrid. I have not seem them for long time due to Covid but they seem to have started operation again these days. I guess it should be some cargo flights but I got surprised to see they came to China.

⑤5th subject is A343s of Syrian Air. I could see 2 of them flying at the same time. (As I posted last time),  one of them, YK-AZA could be seen its photos at Jet Photos net but YK-AZB may have not been taken yet. I really want to see this airline!!!  

⑥The last one is of Hong Kong subject, B787-10 of Saudia. I was really tired this day so I fell asleep very soon that night so I did not aware of it came to Hong Kong. I had already taken some of them at Kuala Lumpur but I want to taken them with Hong Kong back or night photos like this day....I decide to check carefully of them(><) 


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