香港デモ(Demonstrations in Hong Kong)

(速報・ダイジェスト)9月15日の香港デモ:(Breaking・Digest)Hong Kong Demonstation 15th Sep



I'd like to show you the demonstration held yesterday (on 15th September). I took so many photos so I want to show you the hottest point as a breaking・digest.

~I took movies this time and uploaded to Youtube!!~

Movie of the conflict at 金鐘. You can watch the rain of perto bombs and finally one protester got wrapped in flames!!HERE

Movie of the conflict at a exit of 銅鑼灣 station. polices used tear gas and one of them landed just beside me!!HERE

↑: 17時30分ごろの金鐘駅周辺の様子。既にデモ隊と警官隊のにらみ合いが始まっていました。
↑: This is beside 金鐘(Admiralty) station around 17:30PM. Protesters and polices had already been facing together.↑: デモ隊が石や周辺にあったいろんなものを投げ始めます。警官隊も催涙ガスで応戦します。
↑: Protesters started throwing rocks and everything around. Polices also accepted the battles with tear gas.↑↑↑: 17時50分過ぎ、デモ隊の一部が火炎瓶を投げ始めました。催涙ガスも飛び交います。

↑↑↑: Around 17:50PM some demonstrators started to throw petro bombs. Tear gas flew around. Some protesters started to thrw petro bombs not only a few but also many, finally one of them hit to a protester and he got wrapped in flames!!
The details of it is this movie(Youtube)

↑↑: 18時過ぎには放水車が到着し、デモ隊に向けて放水が開始されました。
↑↑: Around 18:00PM, water trucks have arrived and polices tuened the water cannon on the proterters.
↑: 10分ほどで、青く着色された水での放水が始まりました。
↑: 10 minutes later, polices started to sprinkle blue colored water.
↑: 18時15分過ぎ、道の向こうからフル装備の警官隊の集団が到着します。
↑: Around 18:15PM a mass of full-equipped polices arrived from beyond.
↑: 警官隊がどんどん催涙ガスを撃ってきます
↑: They fired much more and more tear gas.
↑↑↑: 警官隊の催涙ガスの徹底した攻撃が、デモ隊を押し戻します
↑↑↑: Their thorough attack of tear gas pushed back the protesters.
↑↑: 最後には放水車からの着色水の放水でデモ隊が一掃されました
↑↑: Finally, water cannons of colored water wiped out all protesters.
↑: デモ隊の去った後にはガラスが粉々のエレベータがありました
↑: After protesters left, there was a elavator whose glasses were totally crushed to powder.
↑: 時間は飛んで20時前官隊が灣仔と銅鑼灣の間付近まで来ました
↑: This was around 20:00PM, polices reached between 灣仔 and 銅鑼灣.
↑: 銅鑼灣の手前で一度止まります
↑: Polices stoppted once in front of 銅鑼灣.
↑↑: デモ隊の一人が銅鑼灣の駅の入り口に火炎瓶を投げ込む瞬間です!!
↑↑: A protester was just throwing petro bombs into an exit of 銅鑼灣 station!!
↑: 別の入り口ですが、デモ隊が閉まっていた駅の入り口の門をこじ開けました。この後催涙弾を伴う衝突に発展します。詳しくは動画で(Youtube)
↑: This was another exit, protesterss forced closed gate opened. After this shot they battled with tear gas. The detail of it is below movie(Youtube)

↑: 21時前には警官隊が銅鑼灣を超えました
↑: Just before 21:00PM, polices passed through 銅鑼灣.


-香港デモ(Demonstrations in Hong Kong)
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