香港デモ(Demonstrations in Hong Kong)

9月8日の香港デモ: Demonstration in Hong Kong on 8th Sep



This was of on last Saturday but I want to report the demonstration held at 中環(Central) district in Hong Kong on 8th September.
The demonstration on 8th Sep was the massage for US. They demanded the quick approvement of the law, which is now under discussion at US Congress, that incliudes the prosecution to the Hong Kong authority when they disturb the high level freedom of Hong Kong people.

 On 8th Sep, they held a meeting at the park in 中環(Central) district and made parades to US Consulate General. According the reports, tens of thousand people attended the parades. However there were some violent actions, some parts of barricades and exist of 中環 station were burned and some glasses of station were broken. 

↑↑: 公園からアメリカ総領事館まで続く道は路面が見えないほどデモ隊で埋め尽くされています。 
↑↑: The streets from the part to US Cosulate General were filled up with the protesters.  
↑: 参加者は手を挙げたり、メッセージを掲げて心を一つに進みます。
↑: Protesters were gathering up their minds with rasing their hands and showing massges.
↑: 暑いのに自由の女神の格好をした人も。通りすがりの他の参加者が扇風機でお手伝い。でもみんな表情は真剣です。
↑: It was very hot day but there was a protester standing like Statue of Liberty, other passing attendants were helping him with her handy fan. Their all faces seemed to be serious.
↑: アメリカ総領事館の側です。手を挙げるだけでなく、みんなで歌います。
↑: Here is beside US Consulate General, they were not only raising their hands but also were singing songs for freedom.  
↑: 総領事館を過ぎても熱は熱いままで、沿道から応援する声もありました。
↑: They were still heated even after they passed US Consulate General. Some people were cheering protesters from roadside.
↑: 私はデモの最後尾にいましたが、夕方には人も少なくなり、落ち着いたかと思いきや突然警官隊がものすごい勢いで走ってきて、何人かの参加者を取り囲みます大勢の警官隊とその叫び声、そして集まったプレスで現場は騒然としていました。
↑: I was walking at the tail of the paredes, most of the protesters seemed to leave before evening and there were almost a few people so I guessed demonstraion ended but,,,,many polices suddenly rushed to gather around some attendants!!!  The point was confused with many polices, their shouts and gathered presses.
↑: 中環地区の中心部ではバリケードが残ったままでした
↑: Some barricades were still left at the center of 中環 district.
↑: まだ段ボールが燃えていました。。。
↑: Some cardboards were still buring...
↑: 昼間に燃やされた中環駅の入り口です。
↑: The entrance of 中環 station. It was burned in the afternoon.
↑↑: 先ほど警官隊が集まった場所はその後夜になっても何時間もずっと膠着状態のままでした。
↑↑: The point where polices gathered were still confused for few hours even after night came. 
↑: 現場側には元最高裁判所建物が。。。その女神像は、彼らを見下ろして何を思うのでしょうか
↑: There is a old building of Cort of Final Appeal near this point. What is the goddess on it thinking about seeing them?

↑: 最後かっこよく締めようとして滑りましたしたね(^^;)!?
↑: I must have failed to make the end cool(^^;)!? 


-香港デモ(Demonstrations in Hong Kong)
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