飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)

【祝★就航★】惚れました(≧≦)ITA羽田空港就航【Congratulations★First Flight★】Fell in love(≧≦)ITA Airways first flights to Haneda today★



It must be very rare of me to post the photos at the same day(≧ω≦)
...But tomorrow will come in a few minutes(^∀^;)

I went to Haneda airport to see the first flight of a certain airline.(^^) 

The airline is ⇩this airline⇩(^^)

It is ITA Airways☆

I got excited when I saw the news of this airline last year, I have wanted to see it, so went to Haneda airport today(^^)
※This post seems to be the first post related with Haneda Airport(^^;)

・ITA航空についてː About ITA Airways
・撮影画像: The photos taken
・到着編ː Arrival
・離陸編ː Departure 
・オマケ: Extra

■ITA航空についてː About ITA Airways
ITA航空は2021年10月15日に運航を開始したイタリアの国営航空会社です。ITAは“Italia Trasporto Aereo ”の頭文字です。2021年10月に国営化されたアリタリア航空から資産の多くを引き継ぐかたちになりますが、就航に際し、エアバスと新世代機28機導入の契約もしており、機材行更新も積極的に行うようです。
ITA Airways is an Italian national-owned airlines, which started operation on 15th October 2021. ITA is initial of “Italia Trasporto Aereo ” . ITA Airways takes over most of the assets of Alitalia which nationalized in October 2021. ITA Airways made contracts with Airbus for introducing 28 new generation aircrafts, it seems to actively replace its fleets.     

■撮影画像: The photos taken
 ・到着編ː Arrival
The first is the arrival of the first flight☆
↑↑ː 来たよ来たよ(≧ω≦)
↑↑ː Now can see it coming(≧ω≦)
↑↑↑ː  到着(^^)☆就航おめでとうございます☆
↑↑↑ː Now landed(^^)☆Conglatulations for the first flight☆
↑↑↑↑ː 目の前に来ました(≧ω≦)☆本当に鮮やかできれいな青色ですよね(≧∀≦)☆マジ惚れました☆ 
↑↑↑↑ː It passed just in front of me(≧ω≦)☆ Their blue is absolutely vivid and beautiful(≧∀≦) ☆I really fell in love it☆
↑ː ゲートは114番に着いたようです☆
↑ː It seems to arrive at the gate No.114  

 ・離陸編ː Departure 
The next is departure☆
↑↑↑ː  撮影は第2ターミナルから撮りましたが、メラメラがひどくて、ほどんと没でした(^∀^;)ましなのを選んでいます(汗)
↑↑↑ː I took the taking off from terminal 2 but most of the shots were spoiled due to the heat hazes(^∀^;) I selected better shots.(^^;)
↑ː スカイツリー辺りは没です(;;)
↑ː Skytree shot was totally spoiled(;;) 

 ・オマケ: Extra↑ː 尾翼を拡大☆
↑ː Zooming to the tail☆
Its that Italian airlines(≧ω≦)★They wear faintly the patterns like Louis Vuitton★
I believe the real fashionable must not be with strong expressions but with slight one, I got excited when I found it and fell in love this airline just in a moment(≧ω≦)★  
↑ː おそらく、搭乗者向けだと思うのですが、到着出口でITA航空の関係者の方々が何かを配っていました☆
↑ː I believe this should be for the passengers, ITA Japan officers? are distributing something to the passengers at the exit of arrival hall☆


-飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)
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