飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)

アトラスのニューカラー、Flexport塗装(N508KZ)The new livery of Atlas Air, Flexport livery (N508KZ)



This is the subject again with the one of the ships I took on last Saturday.

↑: アトラスの747-400F、N508KZ, Flexportカラーです。比較的早い段階で成田に飛来したので、日本の方の多くは既にご存知かもしれませんが、香港にも何度か来ています(^^)まだ天候やタイミング(デモで撮れなかったなど)に恵まれず、まだきれいには撮影できていませんが。。。。
↑: This is N508KZ of Atlas Air 747-400F, Flexport livery. Many Japanese spotters may have already known it because this ship visited Narita Airport just after its appearance. It also has come to Hong Kong several times but I have not taken it with good condition due to bad weather or demonstrations(^^;)  
↑: こちらは8月31日に初めて撮影した時の画像。天気がよくなかったので、思い切り画像処理しています(苦笑)
↑: This is one of my first shots of it taken on 31st August. Due to bad weather, I edited so much(^^;)↑: 言った後急に来なくなると嘘つみたいになるのですが、今のところ、週末には見かけることが多いです。ホノルルからの5Y4317で何度か来ています(^^)
↑: If it cease to come to Hong Kong after this comment, it seems like that I tell a lie,,,but I have seem it on weekend sometimes. It came to Hong Kong as 5Y4317 from Honolulu sveral times(^^)

Anyway I wondered what “Flexport” is like and tried to know it.

Flexport is one of the company called “forwarder”. Simply saying, forwarders gather international cargos from shippers and get benefits from efficiently traspoting them to each districts and some of them get benefits by providing customs brokerage services and warehouse services. 

This is the data of July 2016, they had 420 employees and had offices at Atlanta, Amsterdam, Hong Kong and Shenzhen.(This is because N508KZ comes to Hong Kong(^∀^))

Most of forwarding companies were founded before internet era and their operations now are proceeded by paper based, by E-mails and by Fax. The feature of Flexport is that they are trying to degitalize and make databases of these operations to find best routes and chase their shipments in real time. Softbank invested Flexport so they have some relationship with Japan(^^)

I could get much knowledge(^^) 


-飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)
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