撮影資料(Spotting Data)

(滑走路・天気記録&フライトレーダー)2022年9・10月分追加★:(Runway・Weather Record & Flightradar)2022 Sep and Oct been added★




(Reporting 2 months again,,,(><))Now October 2022 has ended, same as every month, I placed the records of runway operations and weather 2022 September and October☆  
You can see from below URL or from data page

I'd like to post 5 Flightradar memos and an extra this month☆
・One Airの747: A 747 of One Air

↑↑↑ː 今月登場した飛行機の中では、個人的に一番ニュースだった機体はこちらの747です★One Airという貨物会社が運航をそろそろ開始するようです(^^)機体番号はG-UNETで、イギリス籍です★
↑↑↑ːThe biggest news in last month was this 747. A cargo airline named One Air seems to star operation soon(^^) And the registration is G-UNET, UK registration(^^) 
As you can know by these screenshots, when I found it on the flightradar, its flight was very short, just inside England, I guess it was a kind of test flight or something(^^)
I hope I can see it in the near future.(≧≦) 

⇩Anyway then, I tried to find its previous registration and found, it used to be ER-BBB of Aerotranscargo, I had taken it sometimes⇩


↑↑↑↑ː 同じく今月登場にびっくりした機体。たまたま香港の動きを見ていたら、カラーが不明のAir Atlanta Icelandicの747-446BDSFを見つけました。747-446でBDSFってアシアナノアの機体くらいかなり限られているので、もしやとは思いましたが(その通りでした)、とにかく、Air Atlanta Icelandicで新しい747が加わったことに大興奮とともに、どんな色か気になっていたら、後日見たフライトレーダーには⇩画像がついていました⇩
↑↑↑↑:  Same as previous G-UNET, I got really surprised with this 747☆
I happened to find this 747 when I watched Hong Kong airport on the flightradar. I found a new 747 of Air Atlanta Icelandic without its photos. I could find which airlines it used to belong by type 747-446BDSF because I know only one 747-446BDSF under Aisana. 
Anyway, I got really excited to know the fact that a new 747 had joined to Air Atlanta Icelandic and wanted to know its color, ,,,,and know later as below!!!
・・・・・VERY INTERESTING !!!and I have no choice to want to see it(;ω;)!!!

~最近香港生きているエアラインシリーズː Airlines which started to come to Hong Kong~
Due to that I'm not in Hong Kong, below is the airlines which I found, on the flightradar, they started to come to Hong Kong these days.

・CMA CGMの777: 777 of CMA CGM
↑ː 以前A330の飛来で投稿しました、CMA CGMの機体ですが、最近香港には777が来てるようです!
↑ː In the past. I posted about A333 of CMA CGM came to Hong Kong but these days, their 777s started to come to Hong Kong!!
↑ː 時刻表には“2C”で表示されているみたいですね☆
↑ː Their flights seem to be showed as “C2” on the airport timetable☆

⇩The photos of their A333 is as below.

・RDS Cargo Groupの737:  737s  of RDS Cargo Group↑↑ː Air Exp;oreの運行で、RDS Cargo Groupという会社のカラーの機体が香港に来るようになったみたいです☆
空港の時刻表にもAir Exploreのロゴで表示されているのを見かけました
↑↑ː A cargo airlines named RDS Cargo group has started to come to Hong Kong, but operated by Aur Explore☆
I could find their flights were showed with logos of Air Explore on airport timetable.

・B-KJC↑↑ː Greater Bay Airlinesの737に新しく737が追加になったみたいです★今度は3機目でKJCです★
↑↑ː A new 737 seemed to join to Greater Bay Airlines★ Its registration No. is B-KJC and It should be their 3rd fleets★
Then, the most important information about this airline is that 、、、they will come to Narita in the in the near future(^∀^) 

■おまけː Extra
Considering that, as most of the readers may have already known that, there are famous aircrafts maintenance factories of HAECO beside Hong Kong airport, it should be natural to see some trucks which are carrying aircraft engines or aircraft parts. Today I would like to show you some photos of the trucks with aircraft engines☆ 

↑ː HAECO近くで撮影していたら、時々こんな形でエンジンを積んだトレーラーが目の前を通ることがあります(^^)
↑ː I used to see some trucks carrying aircraft engines like this photo several times when I took photos beside HAECO(^^)  

↑ː こちらは港近くですが、高速道路の脇で停車して何やら作業(点検?)していました
↑ː This was taken near Hong Kong port, this truck was stopping at highway roadside for,,,,some works or checkings? 

↑ː 最後はHAECO近くのバス停からですが、この日は2台いました☆
↑ː The last one was taken at the bus stop near HAECO. I could see 2 at the same time on this day☆

↑ː 1台目のエンジンをアップ★
↑ː Zooming to the engine on the first one★  

↑ː 同様に2台目ですが、エンジンのカバーにCF6とAtlasの文字があるので、確実にAtlasの747についていたエンジンのようですね(^∀^)☆
↑ː Zooming again to the engine of second truck, I can see the words “CF6” and “Atlas” on its cover, this engine must be of their 747s(^∀^)☆
(Almost all Atlas fleets which come to Hong Kong are only 747s)

Not having enough search about it, I guess it should be only inside airport moving if engines are carried by air, they may have carried by sea. This should be the reason why I could see such kind of trucks between Hong Kong port and Hong Kong airport many times.
The engines I saw were not urgent parts, so they were carried by cheap sea way☆ 

↑ː オマケのオマケです☆
↑ː The last is extra for extra☆
I also used to find this kind of objects near HAECO(^∀^;)
This may be a kind of documents attached to the containers or engines. They may have been blown by the wind from inside of the airport or may have dropped when trucks passed. 



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