飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)

(きれいに撮れた☆)再訪ありがとうLCF!!!(Could take very nice☆)Thank you for comming again LCF!!!



As you can see on this post, I got really shocked to myself for not knowing the arrival of LCF when I found LCF was spotting at cargo spot. I set many related alerts on Flightradar and checked airport HP every day to try to find any related flight No. from that day.

THEN Fortunately! LCF came Hong Kong again on 4th May(T^T) and, of course, I went to take it(>∀<) 
(The day I found that flight was 1st May, I waited for it 3 days excited. )

To tell the truth, I wanted to take its 07 landing from mountain point as the revenge of last time but HKG operated 25 so I took it from Scenic Hill. Thus, all of conditions were not familar with me but,,,,,,
I could take it much better than I expected, I got really satisfied with the result(>ω<)☆   
⇒To whom wants to see the photos first☆

The expected arrival time was before 8AM but thanks? to the cold front, it had been strong south westerly winds from the day before, I could directly go to Scenic Hill without concerning any runway changes. I expected many spotters there, so I took 5:30 bus and arrived before 6:30 but there had already been over 10 spotters! (There usually are 1 or 2 spotters) 

Anyway, I got released to see no spotters on my best position. (><)

I waited LCF with practicing by taking other flights, more and more spotters came....
Finally there were over 30 spotters at Scenic Hill, over 50 spotters on the bridge behind Cathay City I believe☆ (It was just on the range I could see from Scenic Hill) I could see 3 traffic control cars parked beside spotters and they were monitoring spotters(^^;)

I could see it as a kind of festival. (^∀^)

Anyway then, please see the photos☆

↑↑: 遠くに機影が見えた時は感動しました(T^T)
↑↑: I got really moved when I found it.(T^T)

↑: 香港らしく高層マンションと海、船を背景に☆☆早朝で陽炎がないおかげで、この構図がこんなに綺麗に撮れるとは思っていなかったです(T^T)。結局、このあたりの絵が一番お気に入りです☆200-500mm持ってきて、あと前日に練習しておいて本当によかった(T^T)
↑: Taking with Hong Kong like tall apartments, sea and ships back.☆☆Thanks to LCF arriving in the morning, I could take such shots without any heat hazes. I did not expected I could take such clear shots, I love these shots the most on end★
I should have brought 200-500 and practiced on the day before(T^T)
Please see this photo on the PC screen if you can(>∀<)☆

↑: こちらも好きなターミナルをバックに。個人的にターミナルにアクセスする道路の線形が綺麗なので、このあたりが一番好きです☆
↑: This is also my favorite shots with terminal because I like the shapes of the roads which access to the terminal☆

↑: ターミナルに駐機している機体とセットで☆
↑: Taking with the back of planes spotting beside terminal☆ 

↑: 到着です(タッチダウンはビルの陰で撮れませんでしたが)
↑: Landed.(Due to the buildings I could not take touching downs)

To tell the truth, I expected I will be able to take LCF at NGO in the future because every time I go back to Japan, I every time check the schedules of LCF, I will try I if I have chance . 

BUT!!The mooooost important thing is taking them at Hong Kong, where LCFs do not come regularly, isn't it. (><)!!??
(This is because I got shocked so much last time)
So I did not go to the bridge behind Cathay City because the back of the shots should be only sky even I can stay closer to planes. 

I got really satisfied I could take LCF with Hong Kong back(>ω<)


Of course I went to take LCF's departure at night☆
⇒ To the post☆



-飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)
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