飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)

(初撮)IberojetのCorreos de España塗装を香港で撮影★(First seeing)Seeing Iberojet Correos de España Livery in Hong Kong★



以前こちらの記事で香港に来るようになったとお話しました、EC-LXA、IberojetのA330でCorreos de España塗装の機体ですが、ようやく撮影することができました☆
As I introduced on this post that EC-LXA, Iberojet A330 with Correos de España Livery came to Hong Kong, I finally could see it☆
Iberojetとはː About Iberojet
Correos de España塗装とはː About  livCorreos de Españaery
撮影画像: The photos taken

■Iberojetとはː About Iberojet
Iberojetはスペインのチャーターエアラインです。元々はorbetの傘下でEvelop Airlinesとして運航していましたが、2020年12月8日にOrbest本体と合併して、Iberojetに改称しました。
Iberojet is a Spanish charter airline. It used to operate as Evelop Airlines, one of the subsidiaries of Orbest. It was merged with Orbest on 8th December 2020 and changed the name to Iberojet.
HP: Iberojet - Vuelos al Caribe. Vuelos a Cuba, Riviera Maya, Punta Cana y Costa Rica

↑: EvelopのA330(マドリード空港で撮影)
↑ː A330 of Evelop(Taken at Madrid Airport)
I could take only this Evelop A330 at Madrid,  I've just I found the reg no is EC-LXA, yes, this is the aircraft that I will describe on today's post(^∀^)!!! 
It means this photo was taken when EC-LXA was operated under Evelop!
↑: OrbestのA330(マドリード空港で撮影): A330 of Orbest(Taken at Madrid Airport) 

■Correos de España塗装とはː About Correos de España livery
Correosはスペインの国営企業で正式名称はSociedad Estatal de Correos y Telégrafos, S.A.です。スペイン国内の郵便事業と手がけているほか、フランス企業のLa Posteとともにアンゴラ公国内の郵政事業も手掛けています。
Correos is a state-owned company in Spain and its formal name is Sociedad Estatal de Correos y Telégrafos, S.A.
It operates postal services in Spain.(And in Andorra with a French company La Poste) 
It originally started in 1716, it has over 300 years history.
Dear Mr. F, Thank you very much for your information at Twitter(≧≦)★

■撮影画像: The photos taken
I took them on 28th May, Conditions were not the best but I could take it with the tall apartments back☆
(To tell the truth, I had failed to take it due to my miss guessing the runway operation one week before(^∀^;))
These days airport dose not show these kind of cargo flights on their timetable, it should be a little difficult to guess exact departure time but I could see it departed at midnight when it arrived at Hong Kong in the morning, I will try to take its night shots in the future★





-飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)
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