飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)

綺麗に撮れたLongtail Aviationの747: Taken better. the 747 of Longtail Aviation



以前こちらの記事で初撮りのご紹介をしました、Longtail Aviationの747、VQ-BWSですが、その後も何度か香港に来ており、先日は普段撮らないとり方で綺麗に撮れたので、ご紹介します☆
As of the VQ-BWS, the 747 of Longtail Aviation, which I had introduced my first shots of it on this post, it has come to Hong Kong several times after that post. I could take it better than before with the angle which I had rarely tried, I'd like to show you them today☆

Anyway, I could not take it well due to the dark clouds at landing and its high taking off(^^;)

↓The phots taken are below↓
The angle I mentioned that I rarely tried is taking 07L landing from mountain point.
Basically planes are too far, I believe heat haze must spoil the details and I need to trimming badly later, I usually do not expect the nice photos. This day, there were not so much heat haze and the color of the sea was very nice, so I tried☆

↓The best shot is this?☆↓

Below are extra☆ The departure on the same day and the landing on another day☆

↑↑↑↑↑: 当日の離陸の様子(9月21日)
↑↑↑↑↑: Departure on the same day(21st Sep)

↑↑: 9月12日の25Rへの着陸の様子
↑↑: Its landing to 25R on 12th Sep

Below is extra again☆★I could take 2 747s on 1 shot★


-飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)
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