飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)

Royal Air Philippines



↓This airline↓ which I took at Hong Kong on 4th Nov, I have been interested in it these days(^^) 

Royal Air Philippinesというエアラインです。
It is an airline named Royal Air Philippines.

↑: 機体番号はRP-C9368☆とりあえず、真横ショット☆
↑: The reg no. is RP-C9368☆Anyway the right beside shot☆

One of the reason why I am interested in it is because I saw it came to the airport several times ,where I started spotting on it, Macau. And I found some interesting points of it so I decided to post an airticle(^^)

↑: とりあえず、先週の日曜(12月1日)にも来ていたようです。
↑: It seems to have come to Macau last Sunday (1st Dec).   

今回撮影したのはA319ですが、実はだいぶ前から、マカオに来ているちっこい4発機が気になっていました会社名も“Royal Air Charter Service”, 名前からしてお偉いさんのチャーター便かな、どうせ不定期だし、狙って撮れるもんじゃないなと諦めていはいました。
The aircraft I took this time was A319, however I had found a small 4 engine plane of “Royal Air Charter Service” came to Macau several times before, I guessed it should be some kinds of VIP chartered flights, so it did not come up with me to try it.

は?Royal Air Charter Service??記事のRoyal Air Philippinesと違うじゃん!
Ah?“Royal Air Charter Service”?? it is not the “Royal Air Philippines” which  I titled on this article!

と思われるかもしれませんが、実は、Royal Air Philippinesという航空会社はRoyal Air Charter Serviceが運行している航空会社のようなのです。
YES, it is natural of you to think so but I found Royal Air Charter Service operates Royal Air Philippines.

Royal Air Charter Service は2002年8月にチャーターエアラインとして設立、2018年12月から不定期の格安航空会社として運行を開始したそうです(きっとこれがRoyal Air Philippines のはず!)、保有機材も、A319が1機と3機のBAe146だそうですので、以前見たちっこい4発機もBAe146で決まりですね。
Royal Air Charter Service was established as a charter airline in August 2002 and started to operate budget airline in December 2018 (This must be Royal Air Philippines! I guess). Their fleets are 1 A319 and 3 BAe146s, so the small airplane with 4 engine, which I found before should be one of that BAe146s.

I have visited their HP☆
This airline seems to be non-scheduled budget airline but I could see some timetables on their destination page.
↑: 定期化をもくろんでいるそうですが、マカオはまだSoonの状態ですね(^^;)
↑: They seem to aim at making Macau flight to regular, but now I can see Macau “Soon”(^^;)

Anyway on the top of their destination page, there is a large photo of,,,,

I really want to take it, so I will visit Macau again to see them if they come with BAe146s next time!! 

なお、全然関係ないですが、先ほどのRyal Air Philippinesの319を撮影したのは11月4日ですが、この日は他の機体を撮りに空港に来ていました。
Anyway, it must be totally another matter but the day I took this A319 of Royal Air Philippines was 4th Nov. I came to the airport to take a certain target....

↓それはこちらの記事のこの機体なのですが、、、↓It was this aircraft on this article,,,,,↓
The colors and pattarns of them are very similar!! Don't you think(^∀^)???
(In addition to it, the time I took them are also same)


-飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)
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