飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)

【初撮】GeodisのA330F【First Taken】A330F of Geodis



Below photo was taken on 25th Sep, I can see this aircraft sometimes at Hong Kong these days☆


The A330F of Geodis(^∀^)

Geodiとは何ぞや!?: What is Geodis about!? 
Geodis の便について: Flights of Geodis
撮影画像: The photos taken

■Geodisとは何ぞや!?: What is Geodis  about!?
フライトレーダーにはGeodis Air Networkという表示がりますがこのような会社はないようで、正確にはGeodisが会社名になるようです。Geodisは、フランスに本部を置いている世界的は物流会社の、SNCFの子会社です。個人的には初めて聞いた会社名なので、日本や香港ではあまりなじみがないように思っていましたが、日本にも香港にも拠点があるみたいです☆
We san see "Geodis Air Network" on the Flightradar but, as on my investigation, there seems to be no companies named "Geodis Air Network" but exactly should be the one named "Geodis".Geodis is one of the subsidiaries of SNCF which is global logistic company and whose head office is in France. It was my first time to see the name of SNCF and Geodis, I'm not familiar with them but they seem to have offices in Japan, and Hong Kong☆

Geodis自体は、1904年にEmile Calbersonとして設立された、Calbersonが前身です。1995年にこのCalbersonの海外部門とBourgey-Montreuilをはじめとする、SNCFの非鉄道部門が合併し、Compagnie Générale Calbersonが誕生、1996年に会社名をGeodisに変更して、Geodisが誕生しました。2008年にSNCFがGeodisの株式の57%を取得して、SNCFの子会社になりました。
The former company of Geodis was Calberson which was founded in 1904 named Emile Calberson. The overseas division of Calberson and no-rail companies of SNCF, for example Bourgey-Montreuil merged to Compagnie Générale Calberson in 1995, and it changed the name to Geodis in 1996, Geodis was founded. SNCF gained 57% shares of Geodis in 2008, Geodis formally joined to SNCF as an subsidiary. 

■Geodis の便について: Flights of Geodis
The flights of Geodis can be seen ZTXXXX on the Hong Kong airport timetable, and they are operated by Taitan, the airline of the code "ZT". And Tiatan logos can be seen as well on the time table. (※When we see on PC site. This sample was on mobile....SORRY)When Geodis flights are showed on the Flightradar, sometimes Taitan logos can be seen, sometimes not.   

I could find an article which reports about Taitan introduced A330F, for your reference(^^)b
UK's Titan Airways to add first A330 freighter - ch-aviation

■撮影画像: The photos taken
↑↑↑↑: 撮影日の9月25日は朝から天気が良かったので、かなり好条件で撮影できました(^^)
↑↑↑↑: It was quite fine day on 25th Sep, I could take it very nicely(^^)↑↑↑: スポットが整備地区の隣でしたので、こちら側に戻どってきたので、両サイド撮れるおまけつきでした(^∀^)
↑↑↑: It entered to the spot next to the maintenance area, it returned to our side, I was luck to take both side of aircraft(^∀^)  





-飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)
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