★★This post is also log but not due to the long texts as usual but to the many photos(´ω`)★★
→To the photos taken. (For the people who want to see the photos first.)
Today I'd like to introduce the photos taken at my last spotting in 2023. (◍•ᴗ•◍)
I may be quite late to find this, but I think this kind of post may be interesting., so I try today (◍•ᴗ•◍)
(その方が臨場感出るかなぁって思って( ꈍᴗꈍ))
And the photos are placed in chronological order. (*´ω`*)b
(I guess it may help you to feel to be there. ( ꈍᴗꈍ))
As I mentioned a little on the last post, I arrived at the spotting point in the early morning and left there in the afternoon to get the best position to take countdown fireworks, but,,,
I took 18 747s.(*´ω`*)
I did not take some 747s which I had already taken, if the weather was nice and I stayed whole day, I can't imagine how many 747s I took. (≧≦)
I'm happy if you can know how many chances we have to see 747s in Hong Kong . (*´ω`*)
And, it also was mentioned that it was the strongest gases in my spotting life in Hong Kong, the photos quality must be the worst. (;;)
(Yes,, considering if I lived in Hong Kong, I've never come spotting under such bad conditions. (・∀・;))
Anyway, the way editing the photos this time was the first time for me and the rates and figures when adjusting were the most in my photos edit life. (@@)
→To the photos taken. (For the people who want to see the photos first.)
~2023年最後の撮影のお話~The stories of my last spotting in 2023~
My last spotting in 2023 was on 31st Dec in Hong Kong. (*´ω`*)
↑: 7時に未撮影のターゲットさんがいたので、始発から2番目のバスで山ポイントへ向かいます。
↑: There was a target which would depart at 7:00AM and I had not taken, so I went to mountain point by second bus this day.
↑: 山道を歩き始めた頃は、まだまだ真っ暗(◍•ᴗ•◍)
香港住んでいた頃はよくやったので、怖さも心配も感じません( ꈍᴗꈍ)
↑: It was still quite dark when I left the hotel and when I started to walk on the mountain trails. (◍•ᴗ•◍)
I had done this kind of things when I lived in Hong Kong, I felt no fears and worries. ( ꈍᴗꈍ)
There're no fears, no fears, it must be quite big deals if it makes me feel fears. (←I'm not at this generation. ←important)
↑: もうすぐ山ポイントに到着(´⊙ω⊙`)ハァハァ
↑: I would arrive at the mountain point soon. (´⊙ω⊙`)Exhausted...badly
↑: 着いたら、まずは747が2機並んでいました(◍•ᴗ•◍)
↑: I could see 2 747s taxing in line when I arrived at the point. (◍•ᴗ•◍)
↑: とにかく、この、ガスが濃いこと(´;ω;`)
↑: Anyway, it was quite strong gas on this day. (´;ω;`)
↑: 陽が昇れば少しはマシになるかと期待しましたが、一日中ほとんど改善しませんでした(。•́︿•̀。)
↑: I expected it would be recovered when the sun rises but only a but, strong gas whole day. (。•́︿•̀。)
Some targets may need to be tired again. (。ノω\。)
Anyway then, I'd like to the photos taken on this day. (◍•ᴗ•◍)
なお、チョイスは私の好みです( ꈍᴗꈍ)
The selects are by just my preferences. ( ꈍᴗꈍ)
■撮影画像: The photos taken↑: まーーっ暗画像ですが、最初の捕獲機さんは、キャセイカーゴさんの744。
It must be quite dark photo, but the first catch was this, Cathay cargo 744.
↑: 一応2機並びました(・∀・;)
↑: I could take 2 747s on one shot. (・∀・;)
It arrived a little after 7:00AM, as most of the readers know, Hong Kong airport operates with one runway from 1:15AM to 7:15AM, I could see its 07R landing. (*´ω`*)
↑: お次はこちら、着いたときに2機並んでいた747たちです( ꈍᴗꈍ)
↑: The second was this. the 2 747s which I could see when I arrived at the mountain point. ( ꈍᴗꈍ)
Just after N706CK taking off,,,,,
・N782CK↑: 早速当日2機目のカリッタ、N782CKがタキシングしてきました☆
↑: N782CK, the second Kalitta on this day coming. ☆
(I expected I could take 2 Kalittas on one shot,,, but impossible. (><))
・TC-ACR↑: カリッタに続いて、Air ACT CargoのTC-ACRがタキシングしてきました☆
↑: Next to the Kalitta 747, TC-ACR, one the 747 of Air ACT cargo coming☆
Then, I could see ⇩this⇩(≧ω≦)
・OE-IFB↑: TC-ACRの次はACL Airlinesの747のOE-IFBが離陸☆
↑: Next to TC-ACR was OE-IFB, one of the 747s of ACL Airlines took off.☆
・N713CK↑: 撮影開始すぐに、早速3機目のカリッタさん(≧ω≦)☆
↑: Just after a little from I started taking photos, 3rd Kalitta 747 this day came.(≧ω≦)☆
This time it came from the spot beside HAECO factory, N713CK took off☆
・ER-BBJ↑: アエロトランスカーゴのER-BBJ☆
↑: ER-BBJ, one of the 747s of Aerotranscargo☆
・N537CA(初撮り★: First taking★)↑: この日最初のターゲットさん(≧ω≦)☆
N537CAは元JAL Cargoの機体で、JA402Jですよね(*´ω`*)
↑: This is my first target of this day☆
N537CA, one of the 747s of National, it was my first seeing it★
This is the very aircraft which forced me to come to mountain point before 7:00AM☆
This 747 origin from JAL cargo and its reg No. then was JA402J. (*´ω`*)
↑: このタイミングでER-BBJが離陸、ER-BBJとN537CAはきれいに並ばなかった(><)
↑: At this time, ER-BBJ took off, I could not take both ER-BBA and N537CA on one shot(><)
・9H-VDC↑: N537CAに続いて、最近何度か投稿しているGalistar Maltaの9H-VDCがタキシング
↑: Next to N537CA, 9H-VDC, one of the fleets of Galistar Malta, which I have posted sometimes these days came
↑: このタイミングで、N537CAが離陸★
↑: At this time, N537CA took off★
(The part of the wing on the left down on the first photo is of 9H-VDC)
↑: 9H-VDCも離陸★
↑: Taking off of 9H-VDC
↑: この日の第2のターゲットさん到着★
↑: The second target of this day arrived★
Anyway then,,,,
This is before editing of previous shot. (;;)
The gas was too strong, wasn't it. (;;)?
ランチェンしましたね(人 •͈ᴗ•͈)
Airport changed the operation to 25 (人 •͈ᴗ•͈)
↑: Anyway,,,VISTARA
↑: 先日の投稿でご紹介したごGalistar MaltaのEI-MAEです★
↑: This is EI-MAE, one of the fleets of Galistar Malta, which I introduced these days.★
This day I could see both 9H-VDC and EI-MAE on the same day☆
↑: この日2機目のAerotranscargoで、ER-BAGです☆
↑: This is the second Aerotranscargo on this day, this is ER-BAG.☆
I need to post about this ship for some reason, I will post with better photos taken another day★
・RA-73783↑: アエロフロートのA333です☆
↑: One of the A333 of Aeroflot☆
They seem to have started to come to Hong Kong again these days. This was my first time to see the aircraft after whose reg Np, changed to Rossia No. (RA-XXXXX)
・N956CA↑: この日2機目のナショナルさんです(・∀・)☆
↑: This is the second National on this day. (・∀・)☆
I could see such day, some National flights on one day, sometimes these days, but it should be rare case. ★
・N101FD↑: FedexのB6さん★
↑: One of the 767s of Fedex★
・B-6936↑: Business Aviation AsiaのA318☆
↑: One of the A318 of Business Aviation Asia☆
・RP-C7778↑: フィリピンもこの日は大型機でしたが、上りが低くていい感じでした。天気が良ければ(;;)
↑: Philippines came with large fleet this day, it took off lower with nice back but,,,,the weather was worst. (;;)
・N904AR↑: 最後の捕獲機さんは、Sky Lease Cargoの747で、機体番号はN904AR☆
↑: The last target was one of 747s of Sky Lease Cargo, and its reg No. is. ☆
This also was one my first seeing. (*´ω`*)
After taking this cargo, I rushed back to the hotel and went to the mountain to take countdown fireworks. (◍•ᴗ•◍)