撮影資料(Spotting Data)

(滑走路・天気記録&フライトレーダー)2021年10月分追加★:(Runway・Weather Record & Flightradar)2021 October has been added★




Now October 2021 has ended, same as every month, I placed the records of runway operations and weather 2021 October☆  
You can see from below URL or from data page

I'd like to post 5 Flightradar memos and an extra this month☆
今月発見したもので、一番興奮したのがこちらです。Sky KG Airlinesという貨物会社が、旅客型の744(プレイター)を導入したようで、時々フライトレーダーでビシュケク空港に映ることがあります☆ぜひ香港に来てほしいものです(>∀<)
It is the most excited one I found last month.
An airlines named Sky KG Airlines seems to have introduced a preighter 744. It sometimes can be seen at Bishkek airport on the flightradar. I really hope it will come to Hong Kong in the near future(>∀<)
②所属不明のB747-409BDSFː Unknown B747-409BDSF
These days, I can see below 747 sometimes. I could see on Asia and Middle-east, anyway, they all were B747-409BDSF, I believe they should be same aircraft. I is new cargo airlines(><)☆?? I hope this will come to Hong Kong in the near future as well(≧ω≦)
Re-activated Lufthansa 747-400 finally started to operate. It went to Incheon as on the news. I hope it will come to Hong Kong(><)!!
I could find one of retired B747-400BDSF of Eva air was flying on. However there were something strange about altitudes and speeds, I tried to find "P2-MAF", I could find this small aircraft, so it should be this one. I do not know the reason but we can sometimes find this kind of 747s(-ω-;)?
下記のA343を見かけました。機体番号はF-WTBEで、Private Ownerになっていますが、機体には"airhubaviations"の文字がありますね☆近々影響を開始するのでしょうヵ(>ω<)?
I found below A343. Its registration No, is F-WTBEand it showed as Private Owner but can see the words "airhubaviatoin" on its body☆ A new airline will be launch in the near future(>ω<)?

■オマケ: Extra
It must be famous of Hong Kong, many people have already known, there are more tastes of Japanese instant ramen sold in Hong Kong than in Japan, such as 出前一丁, the most famous of them I believe. Many people seem to buy some for souvenir(^^) Cup-nudles as well. I can see more tastes of them than in Japan and I can see below types these days...   
↑↑↑: なんと、エヴァンゲリオンとコラボしているみたいです(°▢°;)
↑↑↑: There some with collaborated with Evangelion(°▢°;) 
According to my friends in Japan, there are no such collaborated Cup-nudes sold in Japan. It should be those only in Hong Kong(^∀^)? Eva-fan must feel interested in them(>∀<)? 
↑↑↑: いろんなタイプがあるようですが、お土産にいくつか買ってしまいました(^∀^)賞味期限が切れる前にコロナが明けてほしいものです(><)
↑↑↑: There seem to be some types, I have already buy for souvenirs(^∀^)I hope covid will be solved before they expire(><)


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