香港近況(Recent Hong Kong)

【フライトレーダーウォッチ】香港空港11月29日の運用の様子【Flightradar Watch】Seeing runway operation at Hong Kong airport on 29th Nov



Continuing from yesterday post, I'd like to report the Flightradar runway operations watching at Hong Kong airport on 29th Nov.    (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)✨

As the first day, there was only 30 minutes operation on 28th Nov, 29th Nov should be the first day that they operate three-runway operation, I believe.  (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)

Then let's see the operation★

<ご注意: Attention>(昨日と同じ: Same as yesterday)
When I make Flightradar screenshots memos, I usually delete the mobile clock part on the upper left but this time I left it to enable you to know the time.
But there are 1 hour time differences between Japan and Hong Kong, please do not forget to 『-1 hour』 when you see Hong Kong time.(⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)💦

3本運用始まりは8時から: Started three-runway operation on 8:00 a.m.
着陸は主に07L: Arrivals were mostly to 07L  
07C/25Cは離陸のみ: 07C/25C was only for departure
07Rへの着陸: Landings to 07R
クライマックス: The climax time
終わりは14時: Ended 2:00 p.m.

■3本運用始まりは8時から: Started three-runway operation on 8:00 a.m.
Sorry for that below screen shot is difficult for knowing the departed runway but I could see they started three-runway operation at 8:00 a.m.
I believe the first flight was below one to Taipei which took off at 8:09.  
■着陸は主に07L: Arrivals were mostly to 07L 
Most of landing flights were to 07L.
■07C/25Cは離陸のみ: 07C/25C was only for departure
I could see 07C/25C was used only for departures. I could see some flights took off from 07C at almost same time with the one from 07R as below screenshots.
■07Rへの着陸: Landings to 07R
I expected some flights may land to 07R, but there were more flights landed to 07R than I expected.
Below are only which I could find and made screenshots whole I was working. That many flights landed to 07R★ 
■クライマックス: The climax time
The climax time must be below one,
最近再び運用を開始した、ROM CargoのYR-FSBがにこの最高の条件(=快晴)で07R降りてきました。
YR-FSB, the 747 of ROM cargo, which re-started operation these days landed to 07R under this perfect condition (=clear sky)山ポイントにいたら、最高の絵が撮れたと思います
I believe the spotters who was at the mountain point could take superb photos.
■終わりは14時: Ended 2:00 p.m.
I could see they ceased three-runway operation at 2:00.p.m.
I could see airport vehicle strolling around 07C/25C around 3:30 p.m. 


-香港近況(Recent Hong Kong)
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