たまには日本での撮影のお話( ꈍᴗꈍ)
I believe I should sometimes post about spotting stories in Japan( ꈍᴗꈍ).
(Seeing today's title, some Japanese readers who live in Kanto area may have already known the contexts(^ ^;))
During Golden week, I had decided to completely stay home whole week because I do not like crowded areas and wanted to deal with some matters which I kept left for long time.(So I bought lots of foods in advance)
が(人 •͈ᴗ•͈)
But(人 •͈ᴗ•͈)
Thanks that I could complete some matters, and knowing Asiana passenger 747-400 came to Narita then and airport's 16 operation on that day, I lightly(←important) decided to go to Narita airport to see this precious chance on 6th May.
Just arrived at spotting point, I sooner got surprised to see some airplanes went around.(Sometimes some actually continuously went around)
↑: 撮影しに行ったのはこちら【さくらの山】です
↑: The spotting point where I visited this day is here 【Sakura No Yama】
(Of course) I could not take all going around but there are many photos I took, so I'd like to post them on 3 posts (current plan) .(*´ω`*)
Asiana 747 ver (today)
Starlux 359 ver
Other going around flights (←Maybe lots of photos)
〜5月6日アシアナ747編: Asiana 747-400 on 6th May〜
・到着編: Landing
As I had guessed, Asiana 747 faced to B runway(16L),
but , unfortunately?, it was the time when some other flights went around, Asiana 747 also went around as I expected a little (←SORRY)↑↑↑: 小さいですが、B滑走路をゴーアラするアシアナ747をさくらの山から撮影
↑↑↑: Taken very small but I could see its going around 16L from Sakura No Yama.
↑: この時点でフライトレーダーのウォッチ数は世界中で2位
↑: At this time this flight was the world second seen on the Flightradar.
幸運にも、リトライですが、なんとA滑走路に(人 •͈ᴗ•͈)!!!
Fortunately, at the second try, Asiana faced to 16R(人 •͈ᴗ•͈)!!!
↑: わかる人にはわかるかな?この異常な進入角度w(°o°)w
↑: Some reader can recognize soon? The angle which Asiana approached was quite unusual w(°o°)w
(普段成田で撮影されている方、もし認識違ってたらすいませんm(_ _)m)
↑: I regard Asiana flights basically land to 16L, so I got surprised to see it facing to 16R.
(Dear NRT spotters, sorry if I place wrong info.m(_ _)m)
↑↑↑: レア(だと個人的には思っている)アシアナは744のA滑走路降り️
↑↑↑: (Just my personal opinion) Seeing Asiana's landings to 16R should be rare.
↑↑↑: かなり傾斜して、かなり遅いタッチダウン
↑↑↑: Touching down with tilted badly
Crews and passengers, you've serviced that tired flights(´;ω;`)
Anyway then, at the time when Asiana arrived, on the Flightradar,,,
The number of the people who watched this flight reached No.1 in the world(^∀^)
・離陸編: Departure↑: 離陸はちょっと定刻より遅れたくらいでフライトレーダーに映りました。
↑: Asiana's round flight could be seen on the Flightradar a little late from its departure time
↑↑: 3 Jetstar were waiting in line when Asiana came to the end of runway.
↑↑: この辺りの絵を撮りに来たのだけれども、、、、メラメラに激しくやられました(;;)
↑↑: I wanted to take these angles but,,,, heat haze spoiled badly(;;)
↑↑↑: いよいよ離陸( ꈍᴗꈍ)
↑↑↑: Time for taking off( ꈍᴗꈍ)
↑↑↑: かなり早い急な上がりでした️
↑↑↑: Took off quite early and sharp.
There are lots of spotting memories with Asiana's 747-400s in Hong Kong, especially at night, and in addition to seeing going around fes (The inside must have been a kind of hell), I felt happy to see Asiana's passenger 747-400,🥺
Passenger 747-400 must be beautiful (。•̀ᴗ-)✧