飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)

Aliscargoの777-200②~2機同じ日に撮れた~: 777-200 of Aliscargo②~could take both on the same day~



Continuing from the past post about 777-200 of Aliscargo, today's subject is EI-GWA☆

As I posted last time about EI-GWA, whose color is hybrid color with SQ,. That of EI-GWA is original color, logos on the white body☆↑: EI-GWBは日曜の夕方に到着する便があったので、比較的捕獲はしやすい機体でしたが、EI-GWAは主に平日や深夜で、なかなか撮影する機会に恵まれず、この遠くから鼻やギアの欠けたこの一枚が精一杯でした(><)
↑ː Thanks to EI-GWB has been allocated to the flights which arrived at Hong Kong in the afternoon on Sunday, I could have some chances to see it but, instead, EI-GWA has been those arrived at night or weekdays, I could have only this chance to take spotting shots with partially lacked gears and nose and from far(><) 

I have waited for the chances to take it for long time and, finally☆,  I could have the chance to take it at daytime on 17th Oct, on Sunday, I went to HAECO point,,,,,no! mountain point☆

~ちなみに当日の天気なのですがː The weather of this day was,,, ~↑↑: 1枚目は家を出た時の香港島の画像で、2枚目はキャセイ本社前の画像です。
↑↑: The first one was taken in Hong Kong Island when I left home, the second one was taken at Cathay city, around the airport. 

It can be seen often in Hong Kong, the weather is sometimes totally different between city side and airport side(^∀^;) 

Aliscargo was expected to arrive at Hong Kong around 16PM, it should be better to go to HAECO point if it was fine at 16PM, planes should follow the lights. It being quite fine in the city, of course I tried to go HAECO point but seeing dark clouds from the bus, I urgently decided to go to mountain point because I prefer the angles from mountain point. knowing enough time before Aliscargo, I got off the bus at Cathay city and took opposite bus(^∀^;)     

↑↑: 当日の山ポイントから(と道中)の眺め
↑↑: The views from mountain point and on the way there

Anyway then let's see the photos taken★
↑↑: まぁ、天気は良くなかったけど、ようやくオリジナルカラーの機体の撮影ができて満足★
↑↑: The weather was not good but I got really satisfied to take original color of Aliscargo★
↑↑↑: Nice touching down(≧ω≦)★

And one more,,,★☆

Around 15 minutes before EI-GWA arrived ,,,I could see,,,
↑↑: EI-GWBも離陸していきました(^∀^)
↑↑: EI-GWB departed(^∀^)

The photos of it which I placed on the last post taken in the fine morning must be better but I did not imagined that I could take both on the same day and during that short stay☆  
⇩Anyway, the place of EI-GWA and EI-GWB when EI-GWB departed was as below⇩EI-GWBの離陸時間が16:30、EI-GWAの到着時間が16:47、なので、もしかしたら2機を同じフレームに入れることができるのでは?と少しだけ期待していました(^∀^;)
EI-GBW departed at 16:30: EI-GWA landed at 16:47, I expected I could take both on the one shot(^∀^;)

Anyway then, I could take both on the same day, so I tried to,,,

↑↑: 同じ位置で並べてみました(^∀^)☆
↑↑: ,,,place both together and with same angle(^∀^)☆

I'd like to continue to seek the chances to take both under better conditions and nights☆  


-飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)
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