飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)

(初体験)過去最大の獲物を台風前の予定の合間に。。。(First time)Trying to get the biggest target among matters before a typhoon coming,,,



★There are no airplane photos on this post because, context is a spotting story but just a memory talk, if you do not like non-aiplanes photos post, please skip★ 以前ご紹介しました通り私、ちょうど11年間という非常に長い間香港に住んでおりました。
As I described before, I had lived in Hong Kong for quite long time, just in just 11 years. 
So, Hong Kong ended to be the place where I lived second longest in my life next to my home town, Tokushima-ken (⇐first time to tell you!!), where I had lived until I graduated from high school.

I usually do not clearly describe some kinds of non-scientific matters, such as the god or fate, however I encountered some unusual events first time in my 11 years Hong Kong life.   

A person fainted in front of me in the train and I took care of him with other passengers at the station. 
I dropped my camera from a cliff and go down it to pick up.
The biggest airliner spotting target in my 9 years spotting in Hong Kong had come to Hong Kong on just 2 days before I left Hong Kong. 
To get ③ photos, I went to spotting point among some matters (⇐Quite soft expression) 
A typhoon came to Hong Kong on this day and signal 8 whistled.
I had got police check up in the city first time (⇐truth※)on the last day in Hong Kong.(^∀^;)(※Except when I was at near HK demonstrations)
I bought stamps from stamp vending machine and put some letters into a mailbox.(^∀^;)

I had been quite busy with these things and so on, I did not have the time to look back my 11 years memories especially just before I left Hong Kong however now I felt quite strange why such mysterious thing occurred(ーωー)=3.
Anyway, as for my memories,,, actually should be a kind of subjects, I will post about ②, ③ and ④ in the future★  

Then, sorry in advance for there being no airplane photos today, but I would like to post about ④ today☆
This is because I want to show you that ③ was taken on the miracle chance, I will post ③ sooner★   

~The stories that I took the biggest target in my Hong Kong spotting life among some matters on the day and under the weather typhoon coming~
The date was 1st July, as I described on some posts and on the list, it was just 2 days before the day I left Hong Kong, on 3rd July.
Of course? I had some matters of affairs related to return to Japan on this day, but the biggest target in my Hong Kong airliners spotting life was coming to Hong Kong, I did make time among the matters to go to spotting. 

In addition to it, as of the weather, it is also described on other post and the list, a typhoon came to Hong Kong on this day and signal 8 was whistled in  the evening. So the weather was forecasted to be quite bad in the afternoon. 

The spotting was conducted under such circumstance.

Anyway then, as you know I'm using a word “matters”, but there is a exact kind word to express it, ,,,, but I cannot use it(^∀^;)

On this day, I was to go to a hospital for PCR in the morning and go there again to get the certifications.

First, I went directly to the hospital from the hotel.

↑ː 病院が駅から遠いので、久しぶりにタクシーを使います。
↑ː The hotel being quite far from the nearest station, I took a taxi after long time.
↑ː 病院に到着(こちらは病院からの眺めです)
↑ː Arrived at the hospital.(the view from it)
↑ː PCRの検査ののち、タクシーで用事に移動。
↑ː After the PCR, I took a taxi to go to some matters.

The target arrived at Hong Kong around at 9:30 and would depart on around 12:30, I could not see its approaching due to the PCR,( (due to 07 operation, need to go to HAECO point) so I decided to deal with some matters first, and try to take departures with putting my all hopes....    

⇩で、 用事を済ませた後、12時半の離陸を撮るために、こちらに到着★⇩
⇩Then, after I completed some part of matters and arrived at THIS PLACE to take 12:30 departure★⇩

YES, here is the entrance of the mountain trail to the mountain point(^∀^;)
Trying to take photos among some matters and plans, I selected the hardest point, mountain point (^∀^;) 

・・・・because I never wanted to leave any small regrets...

It was 07R departure, so there are some other spotting points such as terminal and Scenic Hill, but if the target takes off with much heights, I could not take best photos, I decided to go to mountain point to take taxing shots of the target. The strong winds by coming typhoon led me to expect target's high taking off....
(It ended to be right to select mountain point)

Then, I started last walking to the mountain point after changing some cloths

↑↑ː この時点ではまだ青空見えてました。。。
↑↑: I could see some small blue sky on this time... 

↑ː 山ポイントに到着!!
↑: Arrived at the mountain point!!

Then, there not being fine sky, I completed taking the target without some serious problems, I rushed to go back to the cityside.

↑ː もうここに来るのはこれが最後、、、(;;)なんて感傷に浸る余裕もなく、大急ぎで山を下ります。
↑: “This should be the last time to be here,,,,,(;;), there were no time and rooms on my heart to feel such sentimental things, I rushed to go down the mountain.

↑ː 不幸なことに街に着く15分くらい前の段階で雨が(;□;)
↑ː Unfortunately, it started to rain just 15 minutes before I arrive at the city(;□;)

↑ː 街に到着。もうビショビショです。。。
↑ː Just arrived at the cityside,,,I got all wet...

↑ː そのままバスに乗って、大急ぎで着替える。。。
↑ː But I directly took the bus and changed the cloths in short time....
It was only upper, I selected the bottoms with thin materials for maintain trails. 

↑↑ː バスからMTRもすぐに乗り、病院に戻ります。(もう完全に雨です)
↑↑: Directly went to MTR from the bus and go to the hospital. (It totally changed to rain weather)

↑ː 病院に到着。着いた頃は大雨です。
↑ː Just arrived at the hospital ,,,,it was raining too hard.

YEES,,now a typhoon really coming close to Hong Kong.

↑ː 以前も記載しましたが、PCR検査を受けた際の書類に不備があって、ちょっともめました(^∀^;)
↑ː As I described before, there were some troubles when I received PCR certifications, I got some hard time(^∀^;) 

↑↑↑ː PCRの結果をもらい、タクシーで用事に戻ります。
↑↑↑ː I finally could get PCR certifications, and went back to the matters.
Hard rain spoiled my almost last Hong Kong views from the taxi(ーー:)

↑: 用事も終わりホテルに戻ります(*ω*)用事もこの日が最後でした。。。
↑ː Completed my all matters this day and go back to the hotel(*ω*) It almost the last day of my matters... 

↑ː まぢ夕方からシグナル8出たし(*ー*;)。(証拠のためのスクショ⇐日付7/1でしょ★)
↑ː They did whistled signal 8 in the evening(*ー*)(This is the evidence screenshot(⇐You can see the date 7/1★)
It forced me to cancel the dinner with my best Hong Kong colleague(;;) 

As the result, it was quite right of me to force myself to go to mountain point on this day(TωT)
Even a typhoon was approaching to Hong Kong but it did not rain and was light cloudy with sunlight a little during I was taking the target, I can appreciate the weather this time.   

So this day end to be the best and most memorious day in my 9 years potting life, with the biggest target and typhoon rains waited for me finishing spotting, and trying spotting among some matters.    

Then I will post the photos of the target on the next post, please wait for it(^^)★  


-飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)
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