飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)

ようやく撮れたA330-900neo(モーリシャス航空): I finally could take A330-900neo(Air Mauritius)



This is the first spotting article at Hong Kong Int'l Airport(^^)

I finally could take A330-900neo of Air Mauritius on last Monday (16th Sep). I knew it comes to Hong Kong from long time before but they come to Hong Kong only on Monday and Friday, and sometimes the aircraft change to A330-200 or A340-200, so I can only see it on the some holidays on Monday or Friday.
You may ask me,,“You always talk about night shots, why don't you take them at night?”
,,,to tell the truth they are hard to be taken(-∀-)

The departure time of Air Mauritius is 1:30AM. As I discribe at airport introduction page, HKG use only one runway at midnight for maintenancing. The swiching time is 1:30AM. 1:30 departure on timetable means they must take off after 1:30. When HKG use mountain side, I can take them but otherwise cannot because there are no points to take departures from seaside runway.  

And the most unfortunately, at Tuesday and Saturday midnight HKG usually use seaside runawy on current trends. I sometimes saw they used mountainside on some Saturday but on Tuesday midnight they mostly use seaside. It should be on Saturday midnight to try them but it should be quite hard to come to airport or to wait until 1:30AM to take Air Mauritius without knowing which runway HKG would use(^^;) 


☆↑You can easily understand what I am talking about with seeing the runway record at the spotting data page↑☆
→To the record


-飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)
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