I stayed airport for spotting last night and reached home 0:30AM, so I did not have time to edit photos(SORRY). But anyway, I did a kind of spotting which I've never tried.
That is, going to HAECO point before going to office.
In addition to it, the spotting point was beside 25L end, almost just below the 07R landing planes.
(Not beside HAECO but 10 minutes walk from HAECO )↑: 画像は帰りのバスの中から撮影(撮影した場所ではありません)
↑: This photo was taken from inside return bus(Not the place I took target)
I used to visit terminal before going to office before airport did against demonstrations and coronavirus. It was my first time to visit HAECO bofore going to office.
The expected arrival time of my target was just in time for leaving there, of course I cannot be late for my office, I concerning it so much along.
The flight I went to see was below☆
It actually landed just in time for leaving(^^)
For the details, please wait a moment!!