
NX-Dが使えなくなる(後で復活): NX-D stopped working(Later recovered)



私はニコンユーザーなので、画像編集ソフトはCapture NX-Dというニコン純正ソフトを使っているのですが、土曜日に突然動かなくなりました
I use Nikon cameras so I use Nikon's genuine editor software Capture NX-D for photo editing. But it had suddendly stopped working on last Saturday, I tried several ways and recovered on Sunday, I'd like to post about it.
※I'm not a kind of specialist of programs, so all what I did was not based on any knowleges, so this post may not be helpful for the people who encounter same case but I want to post as may record(^^;)

Anyway, the symptom was only one
It did not start to work though I double clicked many times.

I tried all below ways found at Internet, but there were no effects.
①Check if “Picture” folder (in C drive) is included in “Library”, if not add to “Library”, and move all files in “Picture” folder other place and delete them from “Picture” folder, and try to open Capture NX-D again.
⇒This is described on Nikon HP

②Right click and select “Open as an administrator ”

③Capture NX-D seems to consume many spaces in C drive so I clean up C drive  

④Internet Exproreの動きを止める
⇒そもそも、自分のはMicrosoft Edgeだし。これだけはできなかったけど、とりあえず、代替ソフトとして。Chromeは入れる
④Stop Internet Exprore
⇒My Internet sftware is Microsoft Edge so I could not try it, but anyway I installed Chrome as alternative software.

⑤もちろん、Capture NX-Dは最新のものをインストール。
⑤Of course I installed latest Capture NX-D

⑥I replaced all Nikon softwares in my PC to latest version.

⑦related with ③, I deleted parameter folder nemed “NKSC_PARAM”, which were automatically generated as much as possible.


All these ways did not work at all.
Trying to double click again, only I could see was a sand watch rotate one time. I do not remember how many times I forced that sand watch to rotate. 

いったん諦めて、古いノートPCで画像編集を始めたのですが、日曜にたまたまインストールしていたニコンのViewNX-iというソフトでも画像処理ができることを発見したので、そちらで作業開始、1枚試しに編集した後、試しにCapture NX-Dをクリックしたら、、、
I gave up once and edited photos on my old note PC. But on Sunday I found I can edit photos on other Nikon's genuine software, ViewNX-i, I tried to edit 1 pitcture on it and after finished, I tried to click Capture NX-D and、、、、 ↑: ViewNX-i

何故かCapture NX-Dが動き出しました(°■° )
Capture NX-D suddenly started working again(°■° )

↑: 動きだしたCapture NX-D
↑: The screen of Capture NX-D after it worked again

I guess, one of ①-⑦ ways worked and using other Nikon software (Using ViewNX-i) worked as a trigger(・_・)?

Of course I do not know the reason, I only use this PC(Win 10) for writing blogs and editig photos, the special things I did on Saturday were

①Tidy up folders

②I need to provide movies and photos of demonstrations, I placed many movie files on the desktop

③I remember when I logged in Youtube, Google recomended me Chrome

④I ate only vegetables for diet

④ must not be related with this matter(´■`;)



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