Now August 2023 has ended, same as every month, I placed the records of runway operations and weather 2023 August.☆
You can see from below URL or from data page☆
I’d like to post 5 Flightradar memos and an extra this month☆
I need to place 2 sad news first. (´;ω;`)
The first is LX-VCM, one of Cargolux 747-8F. It has worn special marking named 『Cutaway』for long time but it ceased it. (。ノω\。)
The second is N859GT. One of Atlas 747-8F. Its paint has been only nose tile without tail paint but they seem to have painted its tail.
I felt sorry that I could not have chances to see it on daytime before its tail painted. (。ノω\。)
今度は吉報です( ꈍᴗꈍ)
The next is good news. ( ꈍᴗꈍ)
以前Flexport だったN508GTが短命だったので、狙うなら早めのゲットを意識した方がいいかもですね(。•́︿•̀。)
N454PA, one of DHL color 747s of Atlas (Pola Cargo) with no title seems have changed it color to 『Flexport』 (≧▽≦)
I really want to see it. (*´ω`*)!!!
・TF-AKEAir Atlanta Icelandicに新しい747Fが加わったみたいです。真っ白ですが、機体番号はTF-AKEです。正確にはAir Atlanta Icelandicの中で番号替えみたいです?経歴を調べたら、元チャイナエアラインのガーゴですが、元Jet One 塗装だった、Tf-AMEだったようで、、、、前回香港に行ったときに1回だけチャンスがありながら用事で撮りに行けなかったことをかなり後悔(><;)
A new 747F seems to have joined to Air Atlanta Icelandic. Its body is now all white and its reg No. is TF-AKE. Exactly speaking, it is not a new but a reg No. change in Air Atlanta Icelandic. It origin from China Airline Cargo and used to be TF-AME with Jet One logo, now I'm quite regretting having not tried to see it due to my another matter when I went to Hong Kong last time. (><;)
ガルーダのA333のPK-GPZですが、『74th Anniversary Livery』という特別塗装になっているようですね。
羽田とか成田にも来そうな機材なので、来る時は狙いたいですね (≧▽≦)!!!
One of A333 of Garuda Indonesia, PK-GPZ seems to be wearing a new special marking named 『74th Anniversary Livery』 now.
I regard it is one of the aircraft types which come to Haneda or Narita, I'd like to try to see it when I find it come. (≧▽≦)!!!
■オマケ: Extra香港に行ったことのある方ならご存じの方もいらっしゃると思いますが、中環駅と香港駅の間には連絡通路があります。7月に香港に行った時に見つけたのですが、中間地点の大きな空間がキャセイカーゴの広告で埋め尽くされていました☆
Some readers who have been to Hong Kong before may know, there is a connecting aisle between 中環 (Central) station and 香港(Hong Kong) station. They were found when I went to Hong Kong this July, the large space at the middle of it was filled up with Cathay Cargo ADs★⇩CM(動画)も流れていました☆⇩
⇩I could watch CM(movies)☆⇩最後に一番大きなパネルを拡大★
The last is zooming to the largest panel★