飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)

Rubby Star改めLongtail: Moved from Rubby Star to Longtail



以前こちらの記事でご紹介したRubby Starの747、ずっとまた撮りたいと思っていましたが、、、、久しぶりに再会することができました!
As I repoeted on this post, the 747 of Ruby Star, I have wanted to see it again for long time,,,,,I could see it again!

How ever its name was changed(^^;)

I do want to place long stories before but anyway, please see the photos first(^∀^) 

The first one is taken on 28th November, when I saw it after long long time from the last time(^ω^)★
I got really happy to see it again★★
とにかく、何がうれしいのかというと、機首に『747 50th Anniversary』のロゴが残っていること(>ω<)!!!!
The reason I felt really happy is that the logos 『747 50th Anniversary』 are still on its nose(>ω<)!!!!

Longtailといえば、特に会社のロゴや塗装もなく、元キャセイ、正確に言えば、一度カーゴルクスも経由、の塗装が分かるロゴなし機体(VQ-BWS)がいるので、最悪の場合、ロゴも消されたただの真っ白747だった可能性もあるわけで、それを考えると、国旗がないだけど、ほとんど元Ruby Starの状態で、運用している(と言っても、このロゴはRuby Starのロゴじゃないですけどね(^∀^;;)!!!)ことが本当にうれしかったです★
When it comes to Longtail Aviation, they have a 747, whose reg no is VQ-BWS, without their company logos and paints, just with its previous company colors, Cathay,, exactly it belonged Cargolux once. There must be some possibilities that this VQ-BWT could be a just all white 747. Thinking about it, I got really happy to see it again under almost same conditions as Ruby Star, just without national flags on its nose★★(But this logo is not Ruby Stars logos(^∀^;;)!!!)  

Below is the VQ-BWS for your reference
Anyway please see the next photos★
↓: 条件は良くないですが、山ポイントから撮影した着陸も☆↓
↓: Light condition was not good, please see its landing seen from moutain point☆↓

These shots are taken in daytime, howver, currently, this ship belongs to night group, comes to Hong Kong frequently with flight No., for example, LGT2201, from Anchoage at night and departs to Incheon at mid night. I have already tahken its night shots but I'm really waiting for it comes on daytime (Of course the day I can take, such as weekend☆).
I want to take it again under better conditions(><)!!!!!

↓It comes to Hong Kong today, below is the timetables for your reference★
到着: Arrival

Today it will arrive around 18PM and depart 20PM, but I remember it arrived around 21PM and departed 23PM for a long time.  

I could take perfect night shots. I will post it in the near future, please wait a moment☆


-飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)
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