飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)

Ruby Star改めTerra Aviaː Moved from Ruby Star to Terra Avia



The ER-BAS, which I introduced last time as an interesting aircraft which I found on the Flightradar, I could have a chance to see it just soon, I'd like to post about the photos today(^∀^)

⇩Last time, there were no information of aircraft type and photos of it on the Flightradar, this time I could see both☆⇩

Same as last time, this flight was not showed on the Hong Kong airport timetable but, thanks to the same flight No. I guessed it might come to Hong Kong when it departed Fujairah and chased it.  

ER-BASについて: About ER-BAS
撮影画像: The photos taken

■ER-BASについて: About ER-BAS
前回も軽く触れましたが、今回撮影したER-BASは元Ruby StarのEW-566TQです。
As I described a little last time, ER-BAS was EW-566TQ of Ruby Star.↑: EW-566TQ

■撮影画像: The photos taken
Thanks to the clear weather on 12th March, I could take both landing and taking off well☆
・到着編: Landing↑↑↑: ツイッターのフォロワーさんから聞いた通りでしたが、ただRuby Starのロゴを消しただけなので、一時期のアエロトランスカーゴのER-BBBみたいで、あまり新鮮味はないですね(^∀^;)
↑↑↑: As I heard from one of my Twitter followers last time, that its paint is the one just only deleted Ruby Star logos, seems like the one of Aerotrasncargo ER-BBB in the past,,,, not interesting(^∀^;)
↑: 昔のER-BBB(現在は違います): ER-BBB in the past(Not current one)

・離陸編: Taking off↑↑↑↑: ポートサイドは、OM-ACG(Air Cargo Global)時代の"Princess Kristina"のロゴと、EW-556TQ(Ruby Star)時代についた"Covid-19 Fighter"がそのまま残っているようですね(^∀^)☆
↑↑↑↑: As of the portside paint, I still can see both logos of, "Princess Kristina", which was attached when it was OM-ACG(Air Cargo Global) and "Covid-19 Fighter", which was attached when it was EW-566TQ(Ruby Star)(^∀^)☆



-飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)
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