飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)

マカオでの撮影機: Planes taken at Macau



I 'd like to upload other planes taken at Macau Int'l Airport☆

↑↑↑:まず最初は、Cambodia AirwaysのA319☆前回バンコクでは日が落ちた後の真っ暗な時間帯に撮影でしたが、今回はやっと明るい時間帯に撮影することができました。ちなみに、機体も同じXU-787です。左右で現地語と英語で表記が違うようです。
↑↑↑: The first one is A319 of Cambodia Airways☆ Last time I took this airline in Bangkok was evening so I finally could take it in daytime. The ship is also same, XU-787. The language of their company name on the body seem to be different from side by side.↑↑: 浙江長龍航空(Loong Air)のA320です☆
↑↑: A320 of 浙江長龍航空(Loong Air)☆↑: 先日登場しましたが、マカオ航空のスペマです☆
↑: I have already uploaded it last time, special marking of Air Macau☆
↑: エアアジアも1機スペマが来ました☆
↑: I also could see special marking of Airasia☆
↑↑↑: 機材で一番大きかったのはエバ航空の789でした☆ 
↑↑↑: The largest aircraft was B789 of Eva Air☆
↑: 日本でもおなじみですが、最後はチェジュ航空の737。時々こんな感じで、出発機が写りこむことがあります☆
↑: Many people have already known and seen, B737 of Jeju Air, as on this shot, we can see arrived planes and those taking off at the same time☆


-飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)
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