撮影資料(Spotting Data)

(滑走路・天気記録&フライトレーダー)2022年2月分追加★:(Runway・Weather Record & Flightradar)2022 February has been added★




(Due to the reports to my company after the examinations I took long time for preparing posts again(><)SORRY...)
Now February 2022 has ended, same as every month, I placed the records of runway operations and weather 2022 February☆  
You can see from below URL or from data page

I'd like to post 4 Flightradar memos and an extra this month☆
I found B-18203, a 747-400 of China Airline staying at Hamburg. I thought it might been bought by some company and was just under maintenance or something but I found it has already been scrapped by the information at Planespottersnet.
What on earth it is(・▢・)?

先日ご紹介した、元マハーン航空の747-300のEP-MNDで、Emtrasur Cargoで貨物機として活動を始めたYV3531がインドに来ていました。
As I have introduced it at another post, YV3531 of Emtrasur Cargo, a 747-300, old EP-MND of Mahan Air came to India.
で、今回表示されているこちらの画像ですが、奥の機体をよく見たら、“EW-465TQ”とあります。こちらも、Transaviaの747-300なので、この画像は、世界に2機か3機しかいない活動中の747-300が並んでいるので、ものすごい奇跡な画像だと思います。The thing I want to tell you today is about this photo on Flightradar. The plane spotting next to YV3531 seems to be EW465TQ. It is also 747-300. The one of Transavia. So this photo must be very valuable that 2 of 2 or 3 of world 747-300s were spotting side by side. 

先日こちらの機体が香港に来ていました。エアラインコードがT8なので、Terra Aviaなのですが、どの機体か分からず747だったら絶対おいしいので、気になっていたら、Twitterのフォロワーさんから、ER-BASではないか?との情報をいただきました。
I found this airplane came to Hong Kong. T8 means Terra Avia. I guessed it should be some 747s, but one of them, ER-BAG has already moved to Aerotranscargo, so I thought it should be big news if this aircraft was 747. Then one of my Twitter followers informed me it should be ER-BAS.

I investigated and found ER-BAS used to be below one. EW-556TQ of Ruby Star. And logos of Ruby Star seems to have been deleted.
Dear Mr.M, Thank you very much for your information(≧≦)☆

I found an A346 of European cargo came to Hong Kong. It has been allocated to the flights between Europe and Incheon and I did not expect it would come to Hong Kong. I could not see it because it came to Hong Kong on weekday, I hope I could see it in the future☆

Anyway, due to its destination was Hanoi, it took off really high this time(^^;)

オマケ: Extra
The number of new infected increasing badly.
In the past, the number of new infected used to be under 10 but it sometimes more 20,000 these days, I found it once reached 50,000 on a day.
It is said Hong Kong government would rock down the city from 26th March, this cause a kind of confusing and most of vegetables and frozen foods disappeared from some supermarkets.

・輝くICCː Shining ICC携帯撮影で荒い画像ですが、年に何回か見られる光景ですが、ICCが輝く時期がやってまいりました☆
Sorry for this rough photo taken by my mobile. We can see this sometimes in a year, I can see shining ICC these days☆
It being reflections of sunlight, the place we can see it must depend on the angles of sun and ICC, anyway I get moved and take photos every time I see them.

The trucks carrying airplane engines空港の近くにいればたまに見られる、エンジンを運んでいる大型トラックですが、何かトラブルがあったのか、高速道路の路肩でじっとしていました。
We may see some of them when we are around airport, due to some troubles?, I found one of them stopping at a highway.


-撮影資料(Spotting Data)
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