撮影資料(Spotting Data)

(滑走路・天気記録&フライトレーダー)2022年8月分追加★:(Runway・Weather Record & Flightradar)2022 August has been added★




Now August 2022 has ended, same as every month, I placed the records of runway operations and weather 2022 August☆  
You can see from below URL or from data page

I'd like to post 5 Flightradar memos and an extra this month☆
今月一番のニュースだったのは、こちらのYR-FABです。ROM Cargoに新しい747Fが加わったようです。ROM Cargoと言えば、“明らかに元タイカーゴだと分かる”YR-FSAがいましたが、今度は“明らかに元サウディアカーゴ”だとわかるYR-FSBのようです。こういうハイブリットカラーは本当においしいですよね(;;)香港にいたら、絶対ダッシュで撮りに行っているはずです(≧≦)
The biggest news on this month must be this, YR-FSB. ROM Cargo seems to have added new 747F. When it comes to ROM Cargo, their YR-FSA which “can be easily recognized it came from Thai Cargo”. This YR-FSB “can be easily known it came from Saudia Cargo”. I really love this kind of hybrid color(;;)If I still live in Hong Kong, I must rush to take its photos(≧≦)
....I really want to be back to Hong Kong(;;)   
↑: (参考ː Ref)YR-FSA

・Bond Air Cargoの747??ː  A 747 of  Bond  Air  Cargo??先日このような747が飛んでいるのを見かけました。(本当に)軽く調べてみたのですが、Bond Air Cargoで調べても特に何も出てこないし、Bond Aviationは出てきますが、ヘリコプターの会社だし、詳細がよくわかりませんが、本当に貨物会社だとしたら、まだ見たことがないカラーの747が世界のどこかを飛んでいると思うとワクワクしますね(≧ω≦)
I happened to find this 747 was flying. I tried to know about it A BIT, I could not find any information of Bond Air Cargo, only could find a helicopter company named Bond Air Service. But actually it makes me excited to know, it this cargo company actually exist, new 747s with unknown color are flying somewhere in the world(≧ω≦)
I guess we can know the details of the company and the colors of the 747s in the near future, if some of their destination airports can be easily accessed,  I hope to go there to see them★ 

I happened to find a 747-200 was moving in the corner of Soekarno–Hatta International Airport.
It was moving around this point,
and I could find N287DE in the Internet and found,,,☆
↓ː これ、元ANA(NCA)の機体で、スカルノハッタ国際空港の格納庫の奥にいた機体ですね!
↓ː It must be the one came from ANA(NCA) and I had seen it had been placed beside hunger! 
If these moves mean it will be active in the future (I really want★), I will do everything to see it(≧≦)★ 

I found a new cargo company started to come to Incheon☆
Many interesting airlines can be seen, I always enviously see the flights to/from Incheon(≧≦) Incheon is with the most priority airport to visit when we can go to /come back from abroad easier in the future(><) 

I found this aircraft was approaching to Hong Kong.  
Its photo informed me it was with SQ color but, according to its Flightradar logos and USA registration No. it seems to have moved from SQ to EASTERN.

And no only its flight No. 0000000 but also its track was really strange, because,,,, 
Its track was apparently same as the one to new Hong Kong 07C/25C(^∀^;)※I selected Finnair flight which arrived just before it for your reference.

■おまけː Extra飛行機好きは鉄道好きも多いということで、以前なんどか話題に出た、香港で最近開設された新しい駅、展示場駅ですが、
Most airliner lovers also love trains, so I want to talk about the Exhibition Centre station which was newly opened these days,,   

↑ː 新しくできた駅の真上のバスターミナル
↑ː New bus terminal which was constructed on the Exhibition Centre station. 

The platforms of this station are very interesting☆
That is,,,
They show us MTR histories on their walls(^∀^)
It must be interesting to see them, if you have time to see them, I recommend you to see them★


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