撮影資料(Spotting Data)

(滑走路・天気記録&フライトレーダー)2021年8月分追加★:(Runway・Weather Record & Flightradar)2021 August has been added★



Sorry for placing almost one month from last post(><;)
I went spotting at nights and days for a while. The reason I could not place articles was not because of no subjects but because having no time for editing many photos of many subjects.....
There will be some Japan holidays next week I will try to make time for editing photos and will post articles as many as I can(><)!!  

↑↑: 携帯撮影ですが、9月4日にはきれいな夕焼けも見れました(^^)
↑↑: They were taken by my mobile but I could see beautiful sunset on 4th Sep(^^)


Then, August 2021 has ended, same as every month, I placed the records of runway operations and weather 2021 August☆  
You can see from below URL or from data page

I'd like to post 6 Flightradar memos and an extra this month☆
①N629UP↑↑: 前回のN628UPに続いて、新しい747-8Fが出ていました☆
↑↑: Continuing with the N628UP posted last time, I found the newest 747-8F, N629UP☆

②N936CA↑: ご存じの方も多いと思いますが、元森林消防機で747 Supertankerとして有名だった N744STがナショナルに移籍していますが、時々フライトレーダーに現れるようになりました☆撮影時はまだ画像が他の(おそらく同じレジが使われた昔の)機体になっていますが、そろそろ運用開始も近いのではないかと思っています(^∀^)747 Supertankerの塗装に金色で"National"の文字が入った、非常に美しい機体のようですので、いま世界で一番見るのを楽しみに待たれている機体だと思います(≧∀≦)
↑: I believe most of the readers have almost known that National started to operate new 747F, N936CA, which used to be famous as N744ST, the 747 Supertanker in the past. I could see it on the Flightradar sometimes these days. The attached photo seems to other aircraft (should be previous one with this No), but anyway,  I believe it will be active in the near future (^∀^)
It must be with very beautiful paint, the color of 747 Supertanker seems to be kept and with golden word "National". I believe most of the spotters in the world are looking forward to seeing it the most(≧∀≦) 

↑: 中東上空で、こんな飛んでいるのを見かけました!!イースタン航空って、既に倒産しているエアラインですよね???
↑: I found this aircraft flying middle east!!! Eastern Air Lines has already ceased operation long long time ago???? I really am wondering what that aircraft was....

④GI4223↑: 中国南方航空の747Fですが、先日退役したとのニュースがありましたが、なぜか飛んでいるところを見かけます。ただ、便名が中国南方のCZではなく、広東龍浩航空?のGIになっているところが気になりますね。
↑: This is a 747 of China Southern Airlines. I have heard they had retired these days but I could see they were flying sometimes. The flight No, was not CZ, China Southern Airlines but GI of Longhao Airlines(広東龍浩航空), I'm wondering what is going on this 747.   

⑤Kargo Xpress↑↑: マレーシアの貨物会社、Kargo Xpressの737です。たまにマカオに来ているのを見かけますが、中にはマスクをしている機体があるようです☆
↑↑: This is a 737F of Kargo Xpress, one of Malaysia cargo airlines. I have seem some of them came to Macau these days and found they have a 737F with mask livery☆☆↑: なお、このKargo Xpressですが、実は香港の時刻表に毎日出ていて、毎日キャンセルになることが続いています(^∀^;)
↑: Anyway then, I could see a flight of his Kargo Xpress on Hong Kong Airport timetable EVERYDAY but canceled EVERYTIME(^∀^;) They actually come to Hong Kong in the future???

⑥N708SA↑↑: サザンの747-200が飛んでいるのを見かけました。アメリカの機体あるあるで、実際はきっと、同じ機体番号を使いまわしている別の機体なんでしょうね。
↑↑: I found a 747-200 of Southern was flying. Being like the cases often seen in US, it must be another aircraft with same registration No. I believe.

☆おまけ: Extra☆いつもと意匠が違いますが、今月のおまけは、用事で街を歩いていた時に見つけたものです。
Not same as before, I'd like to place new kind of extra today, those I found in the city.

↑: 香港のケーキです(^^)☆
↑: Cakes in Hong Kong(^^)☆

↑↑: かわいいケーキはよく見かけますが、王冠の形やら、花畑のようなものまで、ここまできれいなものは初めて見たので、思わず写メを撮ってしまいました☆☆
↑↑: I sometimes see some cute cakes but they were of crowns and like flower gardens, it was my first time to see such beautiful cakes, I had only one choice to take their photos☆☆ 

Then,,, below is those of the bakery near my office,,,,, 

↑: この形、、、確実にあの物体ですよね(^∀^;)!!!???
↑: This shape,,,,must be of that object(^∀^;)!!???
The reason felt hard to ear him must only be his smile being so shining,,,,isn't it!!??↑: ちなみに、お隣さんには、こんなケーキを置かれていました。
↑: Then,,,this cake was placed next to him.
Can you guess what it is? Yes! It is a cake of DORIAN. This cake seems not,,,,NO!, must not be eaten together with that brown one(^∀^;;)
The reason is ,,,,I believe you know☆

After few days later, I went by this bakery again and found,,,,

↑: 二人分になっていました(^∀^)!!
↑: There were of 2 persons(^∀^)!!
 ↑I must not count with this expression!!


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