飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)

【ツイテない&奇跡】エチオピアのB777-300【Unlucky and miracle】B777-300 of Ethiopian Airlines



Continuing last post about unlucky day, today's post is about unlucky and miracle☆

Today's target is ⇩below aircraft⇩↑: エチオピア航空の777-300です(機首のライトついていないので、個人的には最低の夜撮影のパターン)
↑: B777-300 of Ethiopian Airlines(It did not turn on nose lights, this is a kind of worst night spotting case)

As on this post, I had reported you that I could take their night shots but I had chance to take their daytime shots and night departure again. 

・到着編(不幸編): Arrival (Unlucky Part)
The first is its arrival. It arrives just after 18:15PM. Under current Hong Kong runway operations, HKG changes to 2 runways operation after 18:15PM. Seeing 07R landing from HAECO point is really nice as below on this season. 

↑↑: こちらは、エチオピアの直前に降りた便。この季節の夕方の07R降りはきれいです☆当然エチオピアでもこの絵が撮れると思って、楽しみに待っていました、、、(当日撮影)
↑↑: This is the flight which landed just before Ethiopian flight. Taking 07R landings from HAECO is very nice on this season. Of course I was looking forward to taking this kind of shots with Ethiopian B777-300 this day,,,, (Bothe taken on this day)

BUT after 18:15, 07L landings are seen with being back to the lights,,,
As you can guess by the arrival time,,,,

Ethiopian landed on 18:21 and was the first flight that landed to 07L after airport changed to 2 runways operation(><)
(If it arrived earlier only a few minutes ,,, I could take it very nicely・・・) 
↑↑: 逆光だったけど、空自体はよかったと思います(^^)
↑↑: It was back to the light but sky its self was nice(^^)

・離陸編(奇跡編): Departure(Miracle Part)
As on the last post about Ethiopian 777-300, they did not turn on the nose lights, I could not take nicely, I hoped it would turn then on this time.

However, as you can know from ⇧this timetable⇧, its destination was Hanoi.

Hanoi is so close to Hong Kong, flight time should be only around an hour that I expected it would take off very high and wait without hoping better taking off....

Anyway then how it actually took off was,,,,

↑: めっちゃ低い(°∀°)!!!しかも機首のライト付き!!!
↑:  Took off veeeery high (°∀°)!!! and turning on its nose lights!!!

In addition to it, the miracle I mean is not only this "Lower taking off considering it going to Hanoi" .

BUT the miracle I'm meaning is that、、、
↑↑↑↑: アンコリ全部ゲット&ピントも完璧(≧∀≦)!!!
↑↑↑↑: I could catch all its anti-collision lights perfectly(≧∀≦)!!! 

I usually can take all anti-collision lights when the aircraft type is B787s and A350s, who turn them longer but it must be difficult to take all of them perfectly. BUT I could catch all of them this time with B777-300 who turn them on only at moment.
I believe this was my first time to catch all of them with B777-300 during my 6 years night spotting(≧∀≦)  


-飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)
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