撮影資料(Spotting Data)

(滑走路・天気記録&フライトレーダー)2021年6月分追加★:(Runway・Weather Record & Flightradar)2021 June has been added★




Now June 2021 has ended, same as every month, I placed the records of runway operations and weather 2021 June☆  
You can see from below URL or from data page

I'd like to post 5 Flightradar memos and an extra this month☆
①Astral Aviationの767: B767 of Astral Aviation

7月1日に香港に来た機体ですが、Astral AviationのB767です。Astral Aviationと言えば、Air Atlanta Icelandicの747が有名だと思いますが、 本家?のB6が香港にやってきました。日本の平日で会社にいたので、撮れませんでしたが、衝撃でした。
This was taken on 1st July. A B767 of Astral Aviation. When it comes to Astral Aviation, they should be leased 747-400s from Air Atlanta Icelandic but original? B767 came to Hong Kong. Due to my jobs, I could not see it,, but anyway I really want them to come again on the days I can go out for spotting,, weekend(><) 
↑:(参考画像)Astral Aviation塗装のAir Atlanta Icelandicの747
↑:(Reference)A 747 of Air Atlanta Icelandic with Astral Aviation color.

②N570Bインドのデリーから西進する不思議な747BCFを見つけました。明らかに元KEです。レジはアメリカ籍なようですが、Private Ownerだし、大変気になります(^∀^)
I happened to find a 747BCF flying to west from Delhi in India. It apparently came from KE. Its registration No. seems to be of US. And it belonging to private owner, I'm really really  interested in it(^∀^)  

③Air X Charter CargoのA346: A346 of Air X Charter Cargo私は撮影経験はまだありませんが、と言えばA343ですが、A346も導入したようですね☆
I have not seem any of them but it should be A343s when we see Air X Charter but they  seem to have introduced A346☆
In addition to it, the word cargo can be seen on its body(^∀^)!!! I really want to take photos of it!!!

④ロシア航空の4機の747: 4 Rossiya 744sロシア航空の744が4機も同時に動いているのを見かけました。おそらく747-400の旅客型で動いているのはロシア航空くらいかなと思います。またプーケットその他で撮影したいです(><)
I happened to see 4 Rossiya 744s were flying at the same time. I believe it should be only Rossiay which operates passenger 744s now. I really want to see them again at Phuket and other airports. 

⑤トリガナエアのB737: B737 of Trigana Air以前一度ご紹介したトリガナエアの737ですが、なにやら塗装が変わっていますね☆
おそらくこのでJ&T Express運用しているのだと思われます(^^)
I posted about B737 of Trigana Air in the past, below one seems to be changed some parts of its paint☆ I guess this ship is operated on the flights of this "J&T Express"(^^)
↑: (参考画像)以前ご紹介したトリガナエアのB737
↑: (Reference)The photo of Trigana Air I posted in the past. 


1st July is Hong Kong's holiday for celebrating its independence from England. This year falls on the 100th founded year of China Communist Party. Working on Japan calendar, I needed to be stay in the office but I could see some events. Below is one of I could see from office.
↑↑: 船をデコレーションして、行進していました☆☆
↑↑: They decorated many ships and marched☆☆☆



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