飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)

【初撮】getjet airlinesのA330:【First Taken】 A330 of getjet airlines



最近香港で見かけるようになったエアラインで、getjet airlinesというエアラインがあります。
There are an airline which I can see in Hong Kong these days, named getjet airlines.
The aircraft type is A330-300 as below screenshot.

I remember the first time I saw this airline was on the Flightradar on weekday, I just thought it should be a kind of charted flight but I could see it sometimes again after then.
Every time I could see it was only after it departed, in addition to it, one of them was on weekend, even it was rainy day but I got really shocked to know I could not find it came to Hong Kong.    

・getjet airlinesとは何ぞや?About getjet airlines

I really wondered why I could not find it when came to Hong Kong, even it had come to Hong Kong "several times". To try to know why, I set its register No. on the alert of Flightradar and found....
   This airline is showed as "GW" on airport timetable but only on departure.
   ↑It should be my fault not to check timetable carefully(^∀^;) 
    No destination info was showed when it came to Hong Kong
    It arrived at Hong Kong around noon on the before its departure day

Anyway they enabled me to guess the expected arrival time(^∀^)

I watched the timetables of the weekend on 19th June, and I found on "GW704" on the departure timetable on the Sunday 20th June. Then, I decided to do take it and tried to find it on the Flightradar on the day before the departure day, on the Saturday 19th June,,,,,,and could find it fly without any destination. 

There being another target arrived on 7AM, I waited exited for it for 5 hours

・土曜日の到着: The arrival on Saturdays
☆Then, please see the photos I took after long time waiting★
It was find in the morning, I expected clear shots but,,,,,

↑↑: 陽が機体にあたったのは、最初の数カットだけ(T□T)
↑↑: Only first a few shots could get following lights(TωT)
↑↑↑: この後は太陽が厚い雲に隠されて出ず真っ暗だったので、翌週の画像です(><)
↑↑↑: Dark clouds hided the sun badly, too dark photos taken so these photos I placed here were those taken on the next week(><)

I decided to expect better conditions on its departure on Sunday 

さて、このgetjet airlinesとはなんぞやということで、調べてみました。
Anyway the I tried to know what this airline, getjet airline is.
↑: 塗装はシンプルですがエアラインマークが何かおしゃれですよね?☆(飛行機と花(^^)?)
↑: Its paints are simple but its airliner logos seems to be very nice?☆(Airplane and flower(^^)?)

・getjet airlinesとは何ぞや?About getjet airlines
getjet airlinesは航空機のリースを目的として2016年設立・初飛行をしたリトアニア共和国の航空会社です。
2018年に倒産したSmall Planetのチャーター事業を引き継ぎ、リトアニア最大の国際空港であるヴィリニュス国際空港をベースに主にバルト三国間でのツアー便を運航しました。
Getjet airlines was found in Republic of Lithuania and did its first flight in 2016 aiming at airliner leasing.
It took over the charter flights of Small Planet, which ceased operation in 2018. It based Vilnius Airport, which is the largest international airport in Lithuania and started tour flights between Baltic countries.
↑(参考画像: Reference)香港で撮影されたSmall Planetの機体: Small Planet taken at Hong Kong

2019年にはカナダのSunwing Airlinesと提携し、カナダ国内での運航を開始しましたが、こちらはバルト国籍の航空機が初めて大西洋を越えて運航した初めての事例になったそうです。
It started operation in Canada in 2019 under the alliance with Sunwing Airlines. This was the first case that the aircrafts registered under Baltic countries did operations above Atlantic Ocean.         


All information is from Wiki(Eng)
HP of getjet airlines

・日曜の上り: Departure on last Sunday
Then the next is the departure.
I went to HAECO point take departure, where is the hardest Hong Kong spotting point in summer. The weather was same as on Saturday. It was very hot and basically fine but dark clouds sometimes hided the sun badly,,,, I really hoped better conditions,,,, 
☆Then please see the photos taken(´-ω-`)☆↑↑↑: 上りもピンポイントで日が当たらずでした(TωT)
↑↑↑: Almost same as arrival,,, almost no sun light only on this time(TωT)

I believe this kind of airlines would cease to come sooner, I hope I can try again under better conditions(><) 


-飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)
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