撮影資料(Spotting Data)

(滑走路・天気記録&フライトレーダー)2022年分完成★:(Runway・Weather Record & Flightradar)2022 has been completed★



Now December 2022 has ended, same as every month, I placed the records of runway operations and weather 2022 completed☆  
Now I completed 2022 ver☆
They not being important information but I’d like to continue in the future(^^;)

You can see from below URL or from data page

I'd like to post 5 Flightradar memos and an extra this month☆


11月~12月で登場した飛行機で一番くらいにアツいのはやはりこちらの機体だと思います。アトラスの747-8Fで『 KUEHNE+NAGEL』塗装のN862GTです。最終機がロールアウトした747、悲しい知らせが続いていますが、このスペマはぜひ撮りたいですよね😇
I believe this is one of the most exciting aircraft which started operation from Nov to Dec. This is N862GT, one of Atral 747-8F with 『 KUEHNE+NAGEL』livery. As of 747s, we could hear only sad news, such as the last one rolled out, these days, this livery should be good news I do want to see it😇

It seems to come to Hong Kong often, I'm looking forward to seeing it next time I visit Hong Kong️. Anyway, as my experiences, Atlas seems not to keep their special markings long time, such as N850GT with 『PANALPINA』and N508KZ with『Flexport』, I believe we should be in hurry to see it.

11月17日にVirgin Orbitの機体がイギリス国内で稼働しているのを見つけました。この投稿を書いているつい先日に何やら動き出すみたいな記事をツイッターでも見かけたので、今後も何かしら動きがあると思います。
On 17th Nov, I found N744VG, the 747 of Virgin Orbit was active in England. And I also saw a Twitter which says it would do something in the near future, I'm expecting it will start operation.

If we can find it's schedules or if it is spotted at the spot which we can see easily from outside of the airport, I will go to see it😇!


Hiflyでハイブリット機体が生まれたようです。Hiflyの正規塗装にTAAG Angolaの文字が入っています。フライトレーダーではTAAG Angolaのロゴで飛んているので、見つけるのは困難ですが、欧州遠征等で、TAAG Angolaの就航空港に行った際に見れたりしたらうれしいですよね☆
I found Hifly has hybrid color aircraft. This 9H-HFA is wearing Hifly original color and TAAG Angola logos. It can be seen with TAAG Angola logo on the Flightradar, it may be difficult to find it, but anyway, I hope we can have some chances to see it when we visit some Europe airports☆  


広州にタンザニアの航空会社のB787が飛んできているのを見つけました。都市名とか読み方分からんです。さすが中国といった感じです。広州や深圳マカオ辺りは、香港からも近くて、香港とのセットで遠征できるところなので、コロナが開けて自由に行けるようにあれば、香港遠征とセットで狙いたいですね☆(むしろ広州がメインになるかもですが (笑))
I found a 787 of Tanzanian airlines coming to Guangzhou. I do not know how to pronounce the city name(^^;) I felt that's China. We can visit Guangzhou and Shenzen and Macau in a few hours from Hong Kong, so when China opens their borders, I want to visit these airports during Hong Kong visit.
(,,,,,this case, Guangzhou must be the main target??)    


プーケットに元Nordwindの772がPegas Flyの便として飛来しているのを見かけました。この機体がどんな塗装で飛んでいるかもめちゃくちゃ気になりますが、コロナが始まってから、プーケットは便もかなり減っていましたが、大型機が少しずつ戻ってきていることはうれしい限りですよね。またビーチと大型機の迫力のある絵を撮りたいです☆
I found an old Nordwind 772 were flying to Phuket as the flight of Pegas Fly. I'm really interested in what paint this aircraft is waring now. And more, I felt really happy to know this kind of large aircrafts go to Phuket because there have been only a few flights with small aircraft come to Phuket due to Covid 19. I want to visit Phuket again to take photos of large aircrafts flies over the beach☆

■オマケ: Extra
I happened to find this place near the hotel where I stayed during my last Hong Kong visit.

This is a photo of Hong Kong taxi. I do not know how many readers feel same strangeness, but anyway, this place was quite rare for me.  
When it comes to Hong Kong taxis, TOYOTA's Confort (or Crown Confort) must be the most famous. nobody denies. These days, Japan Taxi can be seen more than before and we can sometimes see Prius, Nissan Cedric and Nissan NV200 but we do not have many chances to see this Ford taxi I believe. It was my first time to see Ford taxis that many at the same time. I believe there is a Ford maintenance factory near there(^^)


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