飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)

【初撮影/きれいに撮れた☆】Tera Aviaの新しい747、ER-BYK★【First Taken/Taken Well☆】ER-BYK, a new 747 of Terra Avia★



Today's post is, as the first spotting post of this year, about ⇩this aircraft⇩, which I felt glad to see it the most on my last Hong Kong spotting🥰❣️

以前フライトレーダーで見つけて興奮していたTerra Aviaに加わったと思われる(た)新しい機体です☆
The aircraft which seemed to have joined to Terra Avia and it made me quite excited when I found it☆

And it used to have some relationships with Hong Kong, it should be a kind of homecoming as I was Hong Kong based spotter (NOT feeling was but STILL AM 🥺❣️) in the past, I felt really happy to see it's back to Hong Kong🥺

    Being 747 as expected and,,,be seen before?
撮影画像☆着陸編★ː The photos taken☆Landing★ 
見覚えのある塗装?ː May have seen this paint before?
It has unique points and some relationship with Hong Kong 
一瞬だったこの塗装、今は、、、ː This paint could be seen only short time,,,currently,,,
撮影画像☆離陸編★ː The photos taken ☆Departure★
お礼ː Gratitude

Being 747 as expected and,,,be seen before?
Terra Aviaといえば、以前何度かご紹介した下記のER-BASが香港によく来ていました。
When it comes to Terra Avia, one of their fleet ER-BAS, which I described about on this blog several times, comes to Hong Kong often.

When it could be seen on the Flightradar, I could see it with only the shape of 747 and its type 747-409(BDSF) without any airline logos and photos of it. So I regarded such 747-409(BDSF) should be ER-BAS. However,,,

Then, I found this aircraft on the Flightradar as I placed on the top of this post on 8th Nov.

T8はTerra Aviaのコード、上記のER-BASとは出方が違うので、また、自分の記憶ですが、この時ER-BASも香港から発ったばかりで、香港に戻るにはまだ早すぎな気がしたので、きっと新しい機体が入ったのだと、また、根拠もなく747だと思ってわくわくしていました。
An aircraft without any type information and photos was flying west from Hong Kong as T84704.
T8 is the code of Terra Avia.  But it could be seen different from ER-BAS and, it is just on my memories but I remembered ER-BAS had just gone away from Hong Kong, it seemed to be too early if ER-BAS went back to Hong Kong, so I concluded a new 747 had joined to Terra Avia and this made me excited☆

何が言いたいかというと、Terra Aviaってフライトレーダー上だと、それと分からないので、ある程度経験が必要ということです(^^;)
Anyway then, what I want to say is that the flights of Terra Avia cannot be found easily on the Flightradar, we may need some experiments to recognize (^^;) 

Then the aircraft which showed up in front of me was ⇩this⇩
(To tell the truth, I knew its color before this time by some photos posting sites⇐ Honestly speaking..)

OH MY BUT,,,, I remember I might have seen it before???

■撮影画像☆着陸編★ː The photos taken☆Landing★ 
Anyway, let's see the landing photos first★

■見覚えのある塗装?ː May have seen this paint before?

I having just placed landing photos, there may be some readers who have seen this kind of paint in the past, I believe.(^^;)

It was not the aircraft itself but the Flightradar screenshot of that aircraft has been introduced once on this post and below is it.

はい、こちらの塗装に見覚えがあったのはLongtail Aviationの塗装に似ているからだったのですね☆
似ているのは、この機体はLongtail AviationからTerra Aviaにきて、エアライン名称を消しただけで運行しているようですね(^^;)
Yes, the reason I remembered its paint is because it is similar to Longtail Aviation☆
It seems to have come from Longtail Aviation to Terra Avia and is operated just after deleted airline name(^^;)

I have wanted to see this VQ-BYK for long and, thanks to Terra Avia keeps original paints, I felt glad to see this kind of paint but, at the same time, felt disappointed a little because there were no new paints, I had such complicated feelings.
、、、、Anyway I got released because its paint was not all white(^∀^;)

And its registration No, ER-BYK seems to be same as VP-BYK except nationality parts(^∀^;)

It has unique points and some relationship with Hong Kong 
Then this aircraft has a unique point, doesn't it(^^)?

It is that it has RR engines.(^∀^)

エンジンがRRの747のBCF(BDSF)って、思いつく限り元Air Hong Kongにいた2機(B-HURとB-HUS)くらいしか思いつかないので、もしやと思って、調べてみたら、やはりB-HUSでした。
I can remember only 2 747BCFs (or BDFS) which have RR engines. They are B-HUR and B-HUS which used to belong to Air Hong Kong and I found this aircraft was one of them, B-HUS(^^)
It was quite emotive to me because I could see the aircraft which once based Hong Kong long time comes back to its old base(^^)

B-HUSはもともとは南アフリカ航空に旅客機で納入後、貨物機に改修後キャセイで働いたのちにAir Hong Kongに移籍後、またキャセイで働いた経歴の飛行機です。
B-HUS had originally been delivered to South Africa Airlines, moved to Cathay as BCF cargo, moved to Air Hong Kong and back to Cathay

↑ː Air Hong Kong時代のB-HUS
↑ː B-HUS under Air Hong Kong
↑ː 二期目のキャセイ時代のB-HUS
↑ː B-HUS under second Cathy 

ER-BYK Terra Avia Boeing 747-400(F) (planespotters.net)

機体の所有はLongtailで働く以前からAquiline Internationalになっており、Aquiline InternationalがLongtailからリースしていらので、リースバックされた機体をAquiline InternationalがTerra Aviaにリースしている形になります。
Currently, the owner of this aircraft, before it was operated to Longtail Aviation is Aquiline International. Longtail Aviation leased back VP-BYK to Aquiline International and Aquiline International leased it to Terra Avia as ER-BYK.
It should be one of the reason its registration No. can be seen almost same.....? 

■一瞬だったこの塗装、今は、、、ː This paint could be seen only short time,,,currently,,,
Now I placed long introduction of this aircraft but need to place sad news🥺

When I tried to find information of this aircraft, and I felt some strange on the top photo of it, clicked it and found sad news,,, this aircraft is now all white(;;)ER-BYK Terra Avia Boeing 747-444(BCF) Photo by Swisse | ID 1368254 | Planespotters.net
↑↑: エンジンにAquiline Internationalのロゴがある以外は、キャセイ2機目の真っ白と変わらないですね(><;)
↑↑ː It must be almost the same as its paint under Cathay second except the Aquiline International logos on the engines(><;)

■撮影画像☆離陸編★ː The photos taken ☆Departure★
Now I have introduced aircraft information, let's see its departure photos(^^)
Thanks to airport changed operation to 25, I could take them with my favorite 25L departure(≧ω≦)

■お礼ː Gratitude
One of my photos of ER-BYK was selected on monthly AIRLINE 2023 FEB☆
In addition to it, as large photos☆

I'd like to express my gratitude here(;ω;)☆

Then, this month there is a special feature of ANA 70th and ANA 70th history calendar is enclosed, now it is sold well, so please try get asap(≧≦)



-飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)
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