香港デモ(Demonstrations in Hong Kong)

現在空港に入れません!!!:We cannot enter the terminals!!!



I could not enter the airport terminals when I visited for photograhying on 20th August.  There are air tickets check points at all gates and entrances of terminals, only stuffs or passengers who have air tickets or passports can enter, nobody without it cannot. I tried to explain with “I come to pick up my friends!”“I just want to go down stairs!”“I've just come shopping”“I want to go out to take buses”....but all reason denied. Anyway aiplanes are my friend, I did not tell a lie(^^;) 
This means we CANNOT take photos at SkyDeck in T2 and ※T1Carriage porch(South). 
※I guess we can reach there by some ways,,,,,, but we may get warned?

特にエアポートエクスプレスで空港に向った場合空港駅は空港としか繋がっていないので、外にも出られません。仕方なく一度次の駅のWorld Expoの駅に行って、下りて徒歩で向うしかないです。そのままの列車で帰ってきて、到着階のホームに出ても、同じく外へ出ることはできません。
Especially when you come by AirportExpress, their staion is only linked to airport terminals, we cannot even go out only can go to next station “World Expo” and walk back. If you try to come back by the same train and try to go out from arrival floor, you also cannot go out from there.
If we want to come to airport from cityside, we need to take 東涌 (Tung  Chung) line and get off at last station, 東涌 (Tung  Chung) station and take buses (S1 or S56). Airliner photos must be taken from outside of airport for a moment.

In Town Check Inは搭乗する便の120分前まで受付です。

I describe current status of AirportExpress on 24th August
Hong Kong station → Airport : Depart in every 20 minutes
Airport → Hong Kong station : Depart in every 10 minutes(Normal)
(This maans 1 of 2 train goes back to airport without passangers)
In Town Check In will be closed 120 minutes before the flights departure.
(Normally 90 minutes before)
North side aisle at departure floor (Arrival floor of AirportExpress) to terminal is now closed.↑こんな掲示があります
↑The sign is like this↑↑ターミナルへは南側の通路からのみチケットがないと入れません(T∀T)
↑↑We can enter to the terminal only via south side aisle but we need air tickes(T∀T)到着階(エアポートエクスプレスの出発階)も北側の入り口は閉鎖中
North side gate at arrival floor (Departure floor of AirportExpress) is also closed.↑↑↑全ての階段、スロープも閉鎖中.外へ出る手段がいないです
↑↑↑All stairs and slopes are also closed. No way for going out.
Only south gate was opened but only arrived passangers could go through from airport. Nobody can enter to airport. I saw some people waiting for arrival here.


-香港デモ(Demonstrations in Hong Kong)
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