飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)

Aliscargoの777-200①~EI-GWB~: 777-200 of Aliscargo①~EI-GWB~



A cargo airline named Aliscargo started to come to Hong Kong from this September☆

↑: 空港の時刻表では、旅客の時刻表に表示、エアラインコードはCPでフライトレーダーにはCPXXX/LSIXXXの便名でよく出ています。
↑: Their flights can be seen on passenger timetables like this on the airport HP, the airline code is CP and the flight No. are showed as CPXXX/LSIXXX on the Flightradar.   

AlisCargoとは何ぞや??: What is Aliscargo??
とにかく捕獲が難しい: Anyway, it's very difficult to catch them
撮影画像: The photos taken

■Aliscargoとは何ぞや??: What is Aliscargo??

I tried to find detail information of Aliscargo but could not reach such as Wikis, so I placed the links to some articles I found as below(><)
〈参考記事: Reference articles〉

Will Italy gain another freighter operator in AlisCargo? | Cargo Facts
Aliscargo set for take-off: Italy's first freighter operator for a decade - The Loadstar
Aliscargo is an Italian cargo company. It started operations with 2 flights to China per week.
Their fleets are 2 777-200 preighters. The one is EI-GWA, origin from SQ, white body with their logos, the another is EI-GWB, origin from SQ and their logos on SQ color.  
They are planning to introduce freighter aircrafts and start operations to North America in the future. 
↑: ホームページはありますが、まだ準備中のようです(^∀^;)
↑: They have their own HP but it seems to be under construction now(^∀^;)

■とにかく捕獲が難しい: Anyway, it's very difficult to catch them
Anyway, as for me, it is quite difficult for me to catch them, especially their departures(^∀^;)
①フライトレーダーにでは行先を出さない: No destination info on the Flightradar
They seem to fly without any destination information. I usually set Flightradar filter with Hong Kong but I have never seen their flights facing Hong Kong(^∀^;) 
(Of course, their flights from Hong Kong could be seen)
So I registered their registration No,, EI-GWA and EI-GWB, on the alert and set filters with Milan and 777s. 

②離陸の時間が読めない: Difficult to find exact departure time
I could find roughly 2 types of their flights.
    Arrive at Hong Kong at midnight, 1AM to 3AM ⇒Scheduled to depart in the morning ⇒ actually depart from night to midnight
   Arrive at Hong Kong before evening (around 16PM)⇒Scheduled to depart at night ⇒ actually departed in the morning. 

At first, maybe due to they were not accustomed with the operations in Hong Kong?, it departed long time after the departure time on the timetable. I found it departed around 2 days later in the past. It should be quite difficult to expect their actual departure time.(><;)
Now over one month has gone by, they seem to have got accustomed with the operations, I can see they could shorten their stay in Hong Kong compared with then.

■撮影画像: The photos taken
Sorry for placing long stories before, I'd like to place the photos of EI-GWB, which came to Hong Kong the first★
↑↑: 9月12日に最初に香港に来た時の画像です★フライトレーダー等の画像で事前に知ってはいましたが、やはり、パット見SQですよね(^∀^;)
↑↑: Taken on 12th Sep, the first time it came to Hong Kong★ Even I knew its color by the photos on the Flightradar, it can be seen as SQ at one glance(^∀^;) 
↑↑↑: 前述の通り、フライトレーダーでは、行先を表示しないで降りてきたので、周りのスポッターの中には、本当にSQが降りてきたと撮影して、後からビックリした人もいたようです(^^)
↑↑↑: As I described before, it came to Hong Kong on the Flightradar without destination information, some spotters around me actually regarded it as SQ, and got surprised after they saw their photos(^^)

The next is its departure taken on 20th Sep★↑↑↑↑↑: 天気の良い朝の撮影でしたの、綺麗に撮影できました(^∀^)★
↑↑↑↑↑: It was in the morning on quite fine day, I could take it nicely(^∀^)★

★I will try night photos of it next time★


-飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)
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