飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)

【夜昼撮】生まれ変わったER-JAI!!【Night and Day】Reborn ER-JAI!!



Sorry for placing long time again,, SORRY(^^;), in turn, today's subject is big★,,, but just for me(^^;)

Today's subject is about below aircraft.

ER-JAI, one of the fleet of Aerotranscargo, an idol airline in Hong Kong☆

When it comes to Aerotranscargo, as I posted on this article and this article, they have been very hot these days because they added 2 new 747s and one of the 2 has their original logos. In addition to it, this ER-JAI also seemed to have got logos, I went to see it. 

I believe Aerotranscargo is one of the airlines which can be seen easily in Hong Kong because I could see them twice on somedays in the past. However, it should be normal every year but, the number of the flights decreased badly after Chinese new year, I could not get the chances to see it in daytime. It was not fine day but I could finally get on last Sunday, I went to see its landing in the early morning and its departure in the morning☆

I placed long stories but anyway please see the landing in the early morning★

I believe I could get these night shots nicely★

The next is departure in the morning★ 
There were so much dark clouds that I set shutter speed low so you can see some shots with ACL(^^)

初めてロゴが付いたER-BBC(正確には初めてではないけど)では、明らかに元Air Cargo Globalの機体に文字だけ追加したような感じでしたが、青が基調のER-JAIの尾翼をER-BBCと同じ赤が基調のロゴにしたので、すごい派手に感じます(^^)
As of the ER-BBC, which is their first fleet with their logos (Exactly not), when I first saw it, I regarded they placed just words on the body and tail of a 747 which is apparently origin from Air Cargo Global so I got really surprised to know that they had not placed just words to the tail of ER-JAI but had changed whole tail color to the one same as ER-BBC.
The body of ER-JAI is based blue, so red tail ER-JAI must stand out so much I believe(^^)  
This is because I really wanted to see ER-JAI asap badly(^^)

I will try again on the fine day and will post it(^^)


-飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)
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