香港デモ(Demonstrations in Hong Kong)

催涙ガスの威力: The power of tear gas



Many people asked me so I'd like write this article as a record of the power of tear gas(^^;)

As on the last article I reported LCD of my camera might have been broken due to tear gas and, OF COURSR, I stayed in the floating tear gas but,,

I weared no protections I did not wear even masks.  

You may understand easily when you see the movie, I continued taking movies nornally for long time at the latter of it. No noise from my coughing.
Yes, around 1 minute after the landing of tear gas beside me, I felt just a kind of light ache on my throat, I just felt I was standing in a kind of smorks. To tell the truth I totally did not take care that smork was tear gas.  

が! 2分後くらいでしょうか、しばらく時間が発つと、目が開けられなくなるくらい目が痛くなり(←そりゃ催涙ガスだからね!!!)そして、猛烈に喉が痛くなり、そして顔中が焼けたように痛くなってきました。
BUT! It was around 2 minutes after the landing, I suddenly felt strong aches on my eyes and could not open them (←OF CORUSE THAT'S TEAR GAS!!). And I also felt strong aches on my throat and felt whole my face burning!   

Especially the aches on my throat were tooo bad, I had much and bad coughs and thought I might see my lunch again.  

I did not think I would die but could stand only a bit.

When I was walking dizzily, some protesters informed me “Water rescue there!!”, I could find it at really near place. The rescue team gave me a bottle of water and poured water to my face. I got recovered thanks to their kind rescue. 

I rerally admired protesters again that how they are highly organized.

I strongly recomend you to wear the protectors completely when you go to the place where you may see tear gas flying(^^)! 


-香港デモ(Demonstrations in Hong Kong)
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