飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)

バンコクのターゲットその3(小型機編10機): The targets at Bangkok part 3 (10 smalls)



Continuing from the subject with targets in Bangkok.

This time is of those of smalls. There are 10 photos(^^)

Those which I was intarested with the most are these 3↑: A319 of BHUTAN Airlines
↑: A319 of Royal Bhutan Airlines(Druk Air)
ブータンの国営航空会社だそうです。社名が“Druk Air Corporation Limited”で、商標名が“Drukair — Royal Bhutan Airlines”だそうです。ややこしい(^^;)
They are the national airline of Bhutan. Company name is “Druk Air Corporation” and the business name is “Drukair - Royal Bhutan Airlines”
...I felt confused(^^;) 
↑: A319 of Cambodia Airways
I stayed late because it was my first time to see this airline. It got too dark after all(^^;)Once I saw they came to Macau daytime at flightrader,, so it should be at Macau to take them?
↑: A320 of Air India
We can see only B787s of Air India in Janpan or Hong Kong so it was precious chance to see their A320(^^)   
↑: A320 of GoAir
↑: B738 of Turkmenistan Airlines
It was my first time to see B737 of  Turkmenistan Airlines(^^)The green plane behind is A320 of Lanmei Airlines☆They are one of the airlines in Vietnum.I remember they started to come to Hong Kong last year. 
↑: B738 of US-Bangla Airlines 
。頭にUSがつくので、何でかな?と思って、調べてみたら、 US-Bangla Groupというアメリカとバングラディッシュの共同出資会社の子会社でした(USは本当にアメリカの意味)
US-Bangla Airlines is one of the airlines in Bangladeshi. I wondered why there is “US” on their name and I found they are one of the subsidiaries of US-Bangla Group, which is joint venture company of United States and Bangladeshi.(The “US” truly means United States )
↑: A320 of JC International Airlines 
I could see JC International Airlines in Hong Kong not long time before but they ceased to come these days(^^;)
↑: B734F of K-Mile Air
K-Mile Airは香港にもほぼ毎日来ていますが、夜組なので昼間に撮れるのは貴重(^^)
K-Mile Air comes to Hong Kong almost everyday but only at night so it was precious chance to see them at daytime.
↑: B738 of Hebei Airlines
Amang those from China it was my first time to see this arilines(^^)


-飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)
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