飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)

【初撮り】撮れると思わなかったAirACT cargoの747☆【First take】I've never imagined I could take 747 of AirACT cargo



I finally could take one of a certain 747s, which I had wanted to see for long time on last Monday, 21st September, when was Japanese national holiday.

それは、AirACT cargo(ACT Airlines)の747です☆
It was 747 of AirACT cargo(ACT Airlines)☆

AirACT cargoの747といえば、上記のスクショのように、数年前からTK(トルコ航空)の貨物便として主にハノイやシンガポールに来ているのをフライトレーダーで眺めていて、機会があったらハノイに遠征に行こうかと画策していました(もちろん未だ行ってないですが)。
As on this screenshot from Flightradar, when it comes to 747 of AirACT cargo(ACT Airlines), I have seen they going to Hanoi and Singapore as cargo flights of TK(Turkish Airlines) from several years ago. I enviously saw them and sometimes planned actually to visit Hanoi to see them (but no yet).

Fortunately☆ They started to come to Hong Kong from this September (I remember)

However TK's cargo flights usually come to Hong Kong only on Monday and Friday. So, as for me, they are very difficult to be seen, only coming weekday. There were only a few chances to see their 777-F in the past as well.

It was Japanese holiday on 21st September, I went to mountain point from in the early morning, in case for any failures☆
In case for overslept, I kept awake whole night(^^;)←I looked forward to taking them that much☆

Anyway let's see the photos taken☆

The first is its landing☆

I had arrived there before 7:00AM, it rained sometimes (but could see rainbow☆), clouds hided the sun badly, the condition was too bad(><)
↑: 数分間だけ虹が出た☆
↑: I could see rainbow a few minutes☆

As you can see this photo, taken only few second before landing, only one part sunlight hit(;;). I took many dark shots because I set my camera to this part in case for white out, because I usually take photos with manual setting(^^;) I edited the photos here a lot to make them blight.  

Sorry for placing long history before, let's see the photos taken☆
↑↑: きつめの画像処理で明るくしています。
↑↑: I made them blight by strong edit. 
↑↑: 数カットだけだけど、光が当たってよかった(><)
↑↑: Only a few shots but I got released the sunlight hit to the body(><)

こちらは機体番号はTC-ACG, 形式は747-481BDSFです。
Anyway, as you can see, the type of this 747 is different from the one on the screenshot of Flightradar.
This is TC-ACG, 747-481BDSF.

実は最近香港に来るようになったAirACT cargo (ACT Airlines)の747はTC-ACFとTF-ACGの2機で、2機ともBDSFで前からフライトレーダーで見ていた純貨物型の機体ではありません。
Exactly the 2 747s which come to Hong Kong these days are TC-ACF and TC-ACG, both are 747-481BDSF, not same type of those I saw on the Flightradar, cargo type 747-400. 

To tell the truth, these 2 747-481BDSF had been to Hong Kong many times just until near past.

↓Their previous photos here↓

Yes, they came with Saudia color☆

サウディアの貸し出していたのが戻ってきて、ACT Airlinesの正規塗装?になったのですね(^ω^)
They seemed to have return from Saudia and changed their color to AirACT original color?(^ω^) 
Anyway then, as you can know by its -481BDSF, these 2 747s origin from ANA☆

The next is the departure☆

As of its departure, I encountered sad tragedy that just 2 minutes before it passed in front me, dark clouds suddenly hide the runway(;;) It was best condition before then, I expected I could take perfect shots,,,I could take only a few tidy shots(><)
↑: 綺麗に撮れたのは最初だけ(><)
↑: I could take tidy shots only the first few(><)

Next Japanese holiday is in November I need to wait(><)
I hope I can take them nicely then(><;)
↑: そういえば離陸は最後も日が当たってたわ(笑)
↑: I found the sunlight hit the body at the last(^^;) 



-飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)
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