飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)

【昼夜】最近撮影した777-300【Nights and days】777-300s I took these days



They may be regular members at the base airport of some readers, I'd like to post about 3 777-300s which are rarely seen in Hong Kong(*´ω`*)

①エティハド: Etihad
The first is Etihad. These days Etihad itself have not come to Hong Kong for long time but I remember they came to Hong Kong with 777-300 twice or 3 times latter last year.
②(夜撮影: Night spotting)エチオピア: Ethiopia
The next is Ethiopia. They came to Hong Kong with 2 flights with 787s, directly from Addis Ababa and via Bangkok. These days I can see the one directly from Addis Ababa canceled many times and many Ethiopia cargo comes to Hong Kong with 777F, I sometimes looked over their passenger 777-300/-200LR (><)↑: この日はエンドで撮影していて、いきなり出てきたから、衝撃でした。
↑: It suddenly showed, I got really surprised when I saw it at 25L end↑: この日はディレイで3時間も待たされたけど、機首のライトが付いていなかった(;;)
↑: I took it after 3 hours waited for its delay but,,,,no nose lights on(;;)

③(夜撮影: Night spotting)エアインディア: Air India
The last is Air India. I can see some of their flights these days, but I remember there were only a few flights could be seen last year. I saw their 777-300 came to Hong Kong twice or 3 times in Nov last year. I could see their 777-300 went to Narita on the same period☆
In Hong Kong, they were scheduled to arrive at 4:15AM and to depart on 21:15PM, so I went to airport to see their departure after work☆ I could see them only this time. The ship was with Star Alliance livery,,,, usually I must feel happy but not that time because it must be a little hard to recognize Air India, I felt happier if normal paint came on that time(^∀^;) 


-飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)
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