撮影資料(Spotting Data)

現在の第2ターミナルと07C/25Cの様子: Current status of terminal 2 and 07C/25C



以前こちらの投稿で7月15日時点での第2ターミナルの様子をお伝えしたかと思いますが、あまり期間は開いていませんが、今回の近くをバスで通った時に変化が大きく感じたので、急遽様子を見てきましたので、ご報告します(⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠)
As I reported the status of terminal 2 construction at the time on 15th July on this post, long time having not passed from then, but I found many differences when I passed in front of it. I'd like to report today. (⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠)

あと、一部7月の画像も混ざりますが、現在使用していない07C/25Cの様子もお伝えします(⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈)
And, some photos taken in July, but I'd like to report the status of 07C/25C, which is currently closed.

The status of terminal 2
The status of 07C/25C

■第2ターミナルの様子:The status of terminal 2最初に南側から見た様子ですが、前回より屋根がだいぶできてきて、完成した時の、形がわかるようになってきました(⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠)
The first one is seen from south. The construction of the roofs much progressed, we can image the final shape of them.↑↑↑: 南側から見ると屋根がだいぶできて、最終形が見えてきたのがわかります。
↑↑↑: Seen from south, the works of its roofs much progressed and final shapes of the roofs can be recognized.

↑↑↑↑↑: 前回と同じく、第2ターミナルの周りも見てきました。
↑↑↑↑↑: Same as last time, I went around to see the terminal 2 (by bus).
There may not be much differences.

■07C/25Cの様子: Current status of 07C/25C
Ad most of the readers may have already known that now Hong Kong airport has 3 runways.

Currently, basically planes land to the new seaside runway 07L/25R and depart from mountain side 07R/25L. Old 07L/25R is now named 07C/25C and, according to the airport announcement, will be closed until 2024 to update its signs and so on.

・ターミナルから: Seen from terminal↑↑↑: 07C/25Cの東側のエンドです。アスファルトを貼り直した?のか、まだ、路面には何も書かれてないですね。
↑↑↑: This is the east end of 07C/25C. They may have replaced ? the asphalt and there are no paints on its surface.

・山ポイントから: Seen from mountain point山ポイントからも、反対側(西側)のエンドの様子が見えました。アスファルトの様子はよく見えませんが、周りにたくさん土が盛られていて、まだまだ絶賛工事中ですね。
I could see the end of opposite side (west side) from mountain point, I could not see the surface of the asphalt but lots of soils can be seen beside, the works still have been progressing.


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