飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)

HiflyのA330-900neo: A330-900neo of Hifly



昨日の記事で、Hifly MaltaのA340-300の記事を出した際に、Hifly MaltaのA330-900neoを撮っているかもしれいないので、探してみるとお話ししましたが、よく似た”のが出てきました?
As I mentioned on yesterday post, subjected with A340-300 of Hifly Malta, that I may have taken A330-900neo of HIfly Malta in the past and will try to find the photos, yes, I found SIMILAR airplane? 

The airplane I found it ⇩as below⇩☆

昨日Hifly Maltaについて調べていた際に、フリート一覧にA330-900neoがあったので、この機体がHifly Maltaの機体かと思っていましたが、レジを調べたら本家でした。ちなみに、Hifly MaltaのA330-900neo自体は確実に存在していて、レジは9H-SZNだそうですが、エア・セネガルに貸し出し中で、エア・セネガルの塗装になっているそうです。
It is CS-TKY, the A330-900neo of Hifly.. Not of Hifly Malta, but of “parent airline, Hifly”.
When I tried to know Hifly Malta yesterday, I found A330-900neo on their fleet list, I guessed this airplane should be it but I found not when I checked its regstration No. But they do have A330-900neo and its regstration No. is 9H-SZN, it is now under leasing to Air Senegal and its color is full color of Air Senegal.
Sorry for my confusing expressions(^^;)

This photo was take at Dubai Int'l Airport when I came back from Europ in Jan last year☆
Most of waiting areas in Dubai Int'l Airport are far from windows I believe, no photos can be taken, but fortunately I found I could reach to the windows at that of next gate of my flight, I could enjoy spottings☆

⇩Other shots⇩↑: アンコリゲット☆
↑: I could catch ACL☆



-飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)
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