飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)

ロゴがついたチャレンジ: Now the Challenge with Logos



Sorry for placing long time from last post again(^^;)
I have lots of subjects for posting, I'd like to prepare the photos and start posting earnestly(><) 

Then today's subject is of an airline which has got fashionable these days☆

It is below one.
The tails of its fleets used to be all white in the past but a new logos seems to have been placed on of them☆

Can you guess which airline it is(^ω^)?

It is 4X-ICA, on of 747s of CAL cargo, which I introduced about it came to Hong Kong on this post

CAL Cargoは真っ白の機体に"Challenge Accepted"の文字だけでしたが、4月の頭くらいに尾翼にロゴが付いたようです。香港には、毎週日曜に来ているので、早速撮影してきました☆
The paint of CAL Cargo was only the words "Challenge Accepted" on the all white body but that new logos has been placed on the tail on around beginning of April. CAL Cargo comes to Hong Kong on every Sunday, I went to airport to take it☆

⇩The first is the photos of its left side, portside⇩

As you can find from the date of the photos, 2nd May and 9th May, I tried several times to take it nicely as a spotter living in the area where it comes regularly, it made me to take long time to prepare the post(><;) 

I have been to a certain favorite spotting point to take nice photos from April to May but I found it impossible. I will post about it in the near future(^∀^;) 

Anyway then I could take its right side, starboard side nicely on the last Sunday, 23rd May.   ↑: 夏らしい雲と。この日の日中の気温は35℃を超えたのですが、5月23日は5月の気温としては、香港史上最も暑かったそうです。
↑: With the back of summer like clouds. It reached over 35℃ on this day, it was highest temperature of a day in May in Hong Kong weather history. 

↑↑: 通常運用の場合は降りは25Rですが、この季節の25R降りは午後から逆光で真っ黒ですが、この日は運よく25L運用の日でした。25Lだと逆に素晴らしく順光になるので、ターミナルから順光で高層マンションバックで撮影できました☆
↑↑: During normal operations, planes land to 25R and must be strongly back to the light from afternoon on this season but airport operated with 25L on this day. It enabled me to take planes following to the lights with the back of tall apartments☆ 
I really wanted to take this angles(^∀^)!!

ところで、前回の記事でもご紹介しましたが、CAL Cargoにはもう一機747がいます。
Anyway then, as I introduced on the last related post, there is one more 747 among CAL cargo fleets.

It is 4X-ICB.

↑: 今のところ、こちらの機体はロゴがつくことなく、まだ尾翼は真っ白なままです(><)
↑: This ship still has been with all white tail at this moment(><) 



-飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)
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