飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)

(実はトラウマあり)一回で撮れるわけではない(Actually I have traumas) Photos cannot be taken at one chance



These days I psoted some night photos taken at the end of 25L, the photos with the angles which I want to take there usually can not be taken at one chance, I went there almost everyday in the past.   

Regards of one of my targets in the past, it took 2 years 12 times for me to take its clear shots there, that gave me traumas(^∀^;)
I'd like to explain how difficult to get chances to take night photos at 25L end. 

And I encountered some very lucky cases, for the explanations how lucy they were, I concluded I need to explain the night shots from 25L end first, so I placed this post today(^^) 

①At first, it must be basic information, almost everytime, it should be impossile to take front shots of airplanes at night.↑: フロントギアのライトが強いのです。そして、エンドの撮影は、フェンス越しなので、フェンスに反射して、十の光の形になります。
↑: That is because the lights from front gear is too strong. In addition to it, we need to take photos through the fences, fences make the shape of the lights with 十 shape.

②Same reason as ①, the fences makes the shape of the lights of ACL spoiled.↑: 発光時間の長い。747-8や787,A350は撮れていても全部没にしています。
↑: The lighting time of 747-8s, 787s and A350s are long so all of their ACL shots must be spoiled.

③Then, the points from it are important. All planes taken from there are on the taxing to the runway, not all of them turn on the nose lights. The sky on airport side is lighter so all planes seen from there are back to the lights, taking the planes without nose lights must be in vain. Some of them turn on their nose lights after they reach to the runway or just before they reach to the runway, that makes me annoying everytime.↑: この2番目の画像みたいに、ターゲットの機首ライトなしで、内側の誘導路を通っている機体がフロントギアのライトをつけているときとか最悪です(^^;)
↑: As of the second photo, it must be the worst case, without nose light of the target and other plane taxing on the inside taxiway turned on its front gear lights(^^;)

④The another impotant thing is the taxiway they taxi and which gate they enter the runway.
For the best shots, I want them to taxi on the outside taxiway and enter from J1, the end of runway.
↑: これがベストな場合☆ターゲットの背景に貨物エリアの駐機機も入る☆
↑: This the best way☆The spotting planes at cargo area can be seen at the back of target☆

Anyway, the other case should be,,,
・内側⇒J1: Inside taxiway⇒J1↑: 背景は悪くなりますが、一応は撮れます。
↑: The back ground must be worse but I can take some shots.

・J2を使った場合(;;): entering from J2(;;)↑: J2を使った場合は、遠い上に、ギアが隠れます(;;)
↑: When planes enter from J2, they are too far and their gears must be hidden(;;)


As I explained there are many conditions to get the best chance (yes, just the chace, not guarantee complete to take best shots). To take the airplane which I love the most,  I took 2 years and 12 tries to get the clear photos of it, a certain aircraft of a certain aircraft type of a certain airlines (they have 20). I could take the clear shots of other registration No., even at one chance, the truth of that bad compatibilities with my favorite airplane gave me traumas. I still remember clearly that, after the 5th try, eveytime I went to the spotting point with much annoyings(^^;)
But I got really satisfied because there was miracle luck at 12th try(^^)

あと、帰りなのですが、 最寄りのバス停の最終バスが23:51なので、バス停までの15分間の徒歩を入れても、23:35くらいまでには離陸してくれないと、最寄りのバス停からは、帰れません。それ以降は、45分歩いて、別のバスで帰る羽目になります。
And regards of the way to home, the last bus from the nearest bus stop departs at 23:51. Considering that I need to walk 15 minuntes to the bus stop from the spotting point, I want my targets to depart at latest before 23:35. However the scheduled departure time of my that target was 23:45, it means that it wasimpossibe for me to take the last bus, everytime I was forced to walk 45 minutes to other bus stop, this was the another reason that made that traumas(^^;)  


-飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)
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