飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)

(VQ-BWM)確かに、ましには撮れたけど、要リトライː (VQ-BWM)Better than the last time but must need to try again



先日こちらの記事で香港初飛来を紹介した、Jet One XのVQ-BWMですが、昨日快晴の香港に飛来したので、撮影してきました。
As I reported its first visit to Hong Kong on this post, I could see VQ-BWM of Jet One X under clear sky yesterday...

However, it must be totally unfortune for me, I needed to stay office due to my company move,,,,I could not go to see its landing(;;)
I stayed at new and old office until afternoon on whole this weekend(;;) 

撮影画像へのショートカットː Short cut to the photos taken

↑: 香港は朝から快晴(><)
↑: It was totally clear from in the morning in Hong Kong(><) 
↑: 新しいオフィスからの眺め
↑: The view from new office

Same as the last time, this flight was originally scheduled to come to Hong Kong on last Friday but, once its departure was showed at Saturday 21:05 on airport timetable but it disappeared, and came to Hong Kong in the morning on Sunday (yesterday) without any its flights shown on timetable.
(I really hoped to see it(;;))

↑: 時刻表に出ていなかったのですが、フライトレーダーのアラートで気づきました
↑: No its flights on the timetable but I could find it thanks to the Flightradar alert 

According to the last time, I guessed it would depart around 14PM. I could leave office at 12:50 so I went to see it directly from my office(^∀^;) 

I wore a kind of suits except bag and shoes because I thought I might gone to mountain point, I selected the one easy to exercise(^∀^;)

When I was in the MTR, I found airport changed runway operation from 25 to 07, I wondered which I should, go to mountain point to take its taxing or go to Scenic Hill to its taking off, I decided to go to Scenic Hill because there was not enough time to be in time for its departure (and I did not wanted to walk 45 minutes ← small voice)    

↑: 嘘のような本当の話ですが、着いて数分後にはプッシュバックを開始、山ポイントに行っていれば、絶対に撮れなかったと思い観景山に来たこと自体は正解だと思いました。
↑: I thought my choice itself was right because VQ-BWM started to be pushed back just a few minutes after I arrived Scenic Hill, I could not see it if I went to mountain point.

Then the as of the photos taken,,,,,
Knowing it destination, Incheon, I did not expect better photos,,,,

↑↑: 無慈悲な超高い離陸(;;)
↑↑: There was no hope, it took really high(;;)
In addition to it, I could not get exact focus due to heat haze(;;)
↑: ようやくメラメラがなくなったのが、この位置ですが、それでもロゴが反射で見えず(^∀^;)
↑: The fist shot without any heat haze but cannot see the logos due to the sun reflections(^∀^;)
↑: 一番ましなのは、この画像だけです?
↑: The best one this time should this?
I do want to take its landing under clear sky at next time, but, considering it originally scheduled on Friday, I should not expect this kind of airline will come regularly in the future and delays, I should cherish all my chances to see it and will try all in the future(><)

I will post again when I can take it better☆


-飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)
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