飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)

【必見★】香港で747-200を撮影できた!!!【MUST READ★】I could see a 747-200 in Hong Kong!!!



Today I'd like to finally place the photos of my biggest target among my 9 years spotting in Hong Kong, which I did not show you on the last post, which I described just only my memories of spotting day★  

There are many photos and ling contexts on today's post because I searched related much information about the aircraft and so on☆
(This is because I placed my memory post first at last time, if I combine both it must make context very long.) 

Then, as you may have already known that the aircraft type I could take this time was ⇩THIS⇩★

YEES★☆I could see 747-200 in Hong Kong in such ※Reiwa era (※This must be none of Hong Kong business (^^;))
Of course, it was my first time to take a 747-200 in Hong Kong(≧ω≦)
And as you can find from the aircraft type 747-281B(SF), this aircraft is origin from ANA★★

・Fly Proについてː About Fly Pro
・360 Lion Expressについてː About 360 Lion Express
・この便についてː About this flight
・元ANAのこの機体ː About this aircraft, origin from ANA
・撮影画像①ː The photos taken①
・撮影画像②ː The photos taken②
・お礼ː Gratitude

■Fly Proについてː About Fly Pro
Fly Proは2016年11月に設立されたモルドバ共和国のチャーター貨物エアラインで、キシナウ国際空港(Chișinău International Airport)をベースにしています。保有機は2機の747-200です。(Wiki(英)より)
Fly Pro is a charter cargo airline founded in Republic of Moldova in Nov 2016 and its base airport is Chișinău International Airport. Its fleet is 2 747-200s.
(From Wiki(Eng))
The 2 747-200 is ER-BAR and ER-BAT, which I saw this time.(From Planespotters.net)
Fly Pro Fleet Details and History (planespotters.net)
・・・I really want to see ER-BAR(≧≦)
Anyway, it seems to have come from SQ, the ER-77739, the parked 777-300 on the fleet list seems very interesting.(^^)!

■360 Lion Expressについてː About 360 Lion Express先ほどご紹介した通り、ER-BATはFly Proの所有機(正確にはGlobal Service Solutionsからのリース)ですが、360 Lion Expressという会社の便を運航しているようです。こちらの会社は中国の運送会社のようです。HPを見てみましたが、何やら南米に強いみたいで、確かに、この機体と思われる機体がよく南米付近を飛んでいるのを見かけたので、納得です(^^)
As I described, ER-BAT is one of the fleets of Ply Pro (Actually it is leased from lobal Service Solutions) Fly Pro operates some flights for 360 Lion Express. This company is one of the transport companies in China. I visited its HP and found from their map that this company seems to focus South America. Now I understand that I saw an aircraft which seems to be ER-BAT could be seen around South America several time at Flightradar(^^)

■この便についてː About this flight
The flight No, which I saw this time was FP5601/FP5602. They seem not have come to Hong Kong these days. Anyway, I could see they came to Hong Kong several times after I had taken on this time. They came to Hong Kong mainly on Friday, mostly arrived in the morning and departed around noon. It is just my impression that their flights sometimes would be seem on Hong Kong airport timetable on the very day, so it should be better to check the timetable everyday, especially on Friday and Saturday, even none of their flights seen on the day before.
Their flights seem to be seen on the Flightradar but, may be due to nothing is linked to the flights and aircraft information, there must be no flight No. and aircraft information on it, only 747-281B(SF) could be seen. So If you can see a 747-281(SF) coming to east and can see their flights on the Hong Kong airport timetable, the 747-281(SF) would come to Hong Kong. It had come to Macau many times before it came to Hong Kong, if you cannot find any flights on the timetable. it may land to Macau, I guess.  

■元ANAのこの機体ː About this aircraft, origin from ANAER-BAT 360Lion Express Boeing 747-200(F) (planespotters.net)
2022年10月の段階で機齢35.7歳、日本ににいたころの登録番号はJA8182で、1987年にANAに旅客機として納入後、貨物機に改修後2001年からNCAで活躍、2008年にはアメリカの TAT Tiger Aircraft Tradingに籍が移っていました。その後は Veteran AviaやRayyan Airなどを経て、現在はGlobal Service Solutionsの所有でFly Proにリースの上、360Lion Express向けに運航しているという状態のようです。
As I described on the top, and as you can find from its aircraft type, 747-281B(SF), this ER-BAT is origin from ANA(^^)
It is now 35.7 years old at the time in Oct 2022. Its registration No. when it was in Japan was JA8182. It had been delivered to ANA as a passenger 747 in 1987 and was converted to cargo and moved to NCA in 2001. It moved to American company, TAT Tiger Aircraft Trading in 2008. It moved to several companies such as Veteran Avia and Rayyan Air from then. Finally, now it is registered as ER-BAT under Global Service Solutions, leased to Fly Pro and s operated for 360 Lion Express.

■撮影画像①ː The photos taken①
Sorry for the long stories before the photos (more and more long time when I took⇐VERY SORRY(;;) ), now I can show you the photos★
This time I placed more photos than as usual. Anyway, I need to say sorry in advance for that I tried to adjust color badly when I edited photos so all colors are not same(≧≦)     
↑ː 山ポイントに到着した際に貨物エリア覗いてみた時の画像。探したら,,,ますよいますよ(;;)747-200が!!
↑ː This photo is of cargo area taken just when I had arrived at mountain point. And tried to find,,,,, now I actually find a 747-200 there(;;)!!!
Even at this time, I had already been much moved and been worried a little about some※
※For the weather that a typhoon coming to Hong Kong this day and for the delays that if it would depart with some delay, it must make me to be late for my matters later (^^;) 
↑ː 定刻の12:30を少し過ぎたころに、プッシュバックを開始、感動もさらに大きく※(;;)
↑ː Only after short time from its scheduled time 12:30, it started to be pushed back. It made my moving larger※(;;)
※This released me from worried about being late for my matters and the weather was not so bad(^∀^;) ↑↑ː 気温もそれほど高くなく風も強かったので、距離のあるカーゴエリアもクリアに撮れたので、プッシュバックの絵もきれいに撮れました(≧≦)
↑↑: Thanks to the cool and strong winds, I could take its push back photos at cargo areas, far from the spotting point(≧≦) 
↑ː 機齢数か月のアトラスの747-8と機齢35歳越えの747の競演!!
↑ː Taking 35.7 years old 747 together with Atlas 747-8 under one year old!!!
↑ː こちらの747-8はN860GTで、2022年5月に就航なので、この時点で機齢2か月です★
↑ː This 747-8 is N860GT, it was delivered in May 2022, so it was just 2 months old at this time★
↑↑ː 香港で撮れるとは夢にも思わなかった747-200がもうすぐ目の前に(;;)!!!
↑↑ː A 747-200, which I did not even dream to take some in Hong Kong, is now coming to in front of me soon(;;)!!!
↑↑↑ː 山ポイントからの07Rの離陸なので、まずはポートサイドから(^^)
↑↑↑ː Taking its taxing to 07R from mountain point, seeing its port side first(^^)
Anyway, thanks to the height of mountain point, I really got moved to see it from this my favorite high angles (;;)!!!
↑↑↑ː 滑走路に乗り、180°方向転換しますが、ご覧になってお分かりの通り、この機体、
↑↑↑ː It turning 180° to be on the runway, you can find from these photos,,,
★Its paints are different from its right and left☆
Thanks to take its taxing from mountain point, I could see both at one spotting chance, I concluded it was totally right to go there(;;)

⇩Now it started taking off. ☆I place all photos★⇩ 
↑ː 快晴の完全順光とまではいきませんでしたが、真横辺りは陽もそこそこありました(;;)
↑ː There were not much sunlight than those on fine days, but I could get enough when I took its right beside angles(;;)
Considering the typhoon approaching weather I got satisfied with the results(;;)   
↑(10枚)ː 香港での初めての747-200の撮影に本当に感動の時間でした(;;)
↑(10 photos)ː I really got moved to see 747-200 first time in Hong Kong(;;)
Considering that it was just 2 days before I left Hong Kong and the weather changed to rain just on my round way to the city, I can feel a kind of mysterious fates and gratitude to them(;;) 

■撮影画像②ː The photos taken②
To tell the truth I had a chance to take its photos before this day.
As I described when I explained it as “It had come to Macau many times before it came to Hong Kong”, Macau is very near Hong Kong, just a around hour on ship, we sometimes can see the flights depart from Macau. Only one time but I could see it departed from Macau from mountain point. They being very small but I'd like to show you the photos as an extra(^^)
↑ː 撮影した時のフライトレーダーのスクショです★
↑ː This is the screen shots of the Flightradar when I took it★
↑ː 撮れたといっても、400mmノントリミングでこの小ささですが(^∀^;)
↑ː I'm saying I could take it but, ,,, it is this small with 400mm without any trimmings(^∀^;)
↑↑↑↑ː ぎりぎりピントが合っている画像を無理やりエアライン名が分かる程度まで明るくしてトリミングみました(^^;)
↑↑↑↑ː I selected those with better focus and made them badly lighter to see airline name on the body and also badly trimmed(^^;)

■お礼ː Gratitude
The last is my gratitude★
The monthly magazine “monthly AIRLINE” selected my this ER-BAT post on their October issue☆
Thanks to their choice my photos on their top, I could finish my 9 years Hong Kong spotting with best result(;;) 
I'd like to express full of my gratitude here(≧ω≦)!!!


-飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)
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