飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)

【速報/きれいに撮れた】Air Atlanta IcelandicにA346???【Breaking News/took well】An A346 joined to Air Atlanta Icelandic???



皆さんは、Air Atlanta Icelandicというエアラインの機材にはどのようなイメージをお持ちでしょうか?
What kind of images do you have about the fleets of Air Atlanta Icelandic?
I'm sure it should be 747s(^ω^)

Most of them should be below leased 747s such as to Magma, Astral and Saudia cargo as below.
↑: Magma
↑: Astral
↑: Saudia Cargo

※多分解体されている?(レジはAir Atlanta Icelandicだけど、実際には違いますしね(笑))
⇩OR,,, the 2 classic 747s placed at Kuala Lumpur?(≧ω≦)????⇩
※They seem to have already been disassembled?(And the owner should be different even their registration no were of Air Atlanta Icelandic(^^;))
In addition to them Air Atlanta Icelandic used to lease passenger 747s to Saudia. Now they sometimes can be seen on the Flightrader working without logos.

↑: 最近はアンカレッジ⇒仁川⇒ベトナムあたりの便を見かけます(CC613便とか)ちなみに残念ながら、自分は夜に1回だけあった以外は、撮影したことがありません(;;)
↑: I can see this Flight from Anchorage to Vietnam via Incheon(for ex, CC613)It must be sad for me that I have never seen them except one time at night(;;)
※At the time when I am preparing this post. 

貨物型機でのAir Atlanta Icelandicの便は毎日ではないものの、週に3,4度程度くらいは見かける(イメージの)香港(Saudia Cargoが中心)ですが、確実に美味しくて撮りたいに決まっているこうした旅客型機での貨物運用は香港に来ないので、寂しく、うらやましくフライトレーダーを眺めています。
It's not everyday but I can say their cargo 747s, mostly Saudia cargo come to Hong Kong 3 or 4 times per week, but none of passenger types. I enviously see their passenger 747s on the Flightrader. 

さて、そんな香港でのAir Atlanta Icelandicですが、先日"旅客の"時刻表に便が表示されました。CC802便です。
Then, I happened to find the flight CC802 on the PASSENGER TIMETABLE.☆★
I have never seen Air Atlanta Icelandic flights on the passenger timetable, I regarded it would be operated with passenger 747 and was looking forward to seeing it.

Then, as a result, the one actually could be seen on the Flightradar was ⇩as below⇩


撮影画像: The photos taken
この機体、TF-LFC)にいてː About this aircraft, TF-LFC
合わせて分かったことː The thing I found at the same time 

I got really surprised to see A346 more than shocked to no passenger 747s come(^∀^;) 
I do not know why they decided to launch A346 team to operate this aircraft, because, as my understandings, it should be simple for arranging aircrafts and crews when the aircraft types of their all fleets are same???
↑Its not my problems but worry about it(^∀^;)  

■撮影画像: The photos taken
Then, I could not see its first arrival due to it came on weekday or the timing I could not see but I finally could have chances to see it on the weekends, 6th and 7th Nov/ 13th and 14th Nov, I went to see it.  

・11月6日土曜日の25Lへの到着編: Arrival to 25L on the Saturday 6th Nov
It was quite fine weather on Saturday and the visibilities was also quite nice, and, it should be rare on this season, airport did 25 operation, I went to Scenic Hill(^∀^)
Heat hazes could be seen at first but later none when the time reach to evening, I could take it very nicely(^∀^)☆

↑↑: 来ました来ました☆どんな色や柄の機体が来ますかね(・∀・)?
↑↑: It's coming coming,,☆ Then,,,,what paint it wears(・∀・)?
↑: 白地に"WORLD CARGO"だけなのか(^∀^;)←ちょっと残念(笑)
↑: There being only the words "WORD CARGO" on the all white body(^∀^;)←Disappointed a little
※To tell the truth, I had already known it to see the posed photos by other spotter ←Honestly speaking 
↑↑↑: まぁ、でも陽炎のない視程のいい日の觀景山からの撮影は最高だと思います(^∀^)☆★
↑↑↑: Anyway them, taking 25L landings from Scenic Hill on such clear day must be superb(^∀^)☆★

・11月13日(土曜日)の07Rへの到着編: Arrival to 07R on the Saturday 13th Nov
I could find its arrival in the morning on 13th Nov, thanks to the quite fine morning, I could take its 07R landing nicely(´∀`)

・11月14日の07Rからの離陸編: Departure from 07R on the Sunday 14th Nov
The flight landed on 6th Nov had taken off afternoon on 7th but I could take better its departure from 07R in the morning on 14th Nov Sunday, I place the photos of it here.

■この機体、TF-LFCについて: About this aircraft, TF-LFC 

Then, I remember I may have seen this ship TF-LFC in the past, may be the similar aircraft(^∀^)
↑: Air X CharterのA346, 9H-FFCに非常に似ています。尾翼のロゴと"Air X"を消しただけのように思います(・∀・)。
↑: It is really similar to 9H-FFC, the A346 of Air X Charter. The logos on the tail and the words "Air X " seem to have been deleted(・∀・). 
I remember I have not seen 9H-FFC these days(^∀^;) 

I tried to find and found,,,,

9H-FFCのシリアル番号は431で、TF-LFCは440番です元々Air X Charterには9H-LFCというA346がいたそうですが、この9H-LFCが、Air Atlanta Icelandicに移籍して、TF-LFCとなっているようです。
They are different aircraft.
The serial number of 9H-FFC is 431, and that of TF-LFC is 440. Air X Charter used to have one more A346 and its number was 9H-LFC. This9H-LFC seems to have moved to  Air Atlanta  Icelandic.

■合わせて分かったことː The thing I found at the same time

However I happed to find a thing at the same time....

⇩9H-FFCもAir Atlanta Icelandicに移籍しているようです(´■`;)⇩ 
⇩9H-FFC has already moved to Air Atlanta Icelandic as well(´■`;)⇩↑: 9H-FFCもAir Atlanta Icelandicに移籍してレジが"TF-MFC"になっていますね(><)
↑: 9H-FFC also moved to Air Atlanta Icelandic and got new registration number, "TF-MFC"(><)

I could not have a chance to take 9H-FFC under good daytime conditions and have been waiting for it, I really felt sorry to know it(;;)


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