飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)

【昼撮】Western Globalの747, N258SN【Day shots】N258SN, one of 747s of Western Global



先日こちらの記事で、夜の撮影で初めての来港のご紹介をしましたWestern Globalの最新機材のN258SNですが、昼に撮影できたので、ご紹介☆
As I posted in the past about its first visit to Hong Kong at night, N258SN the newest fleet of Western GlobalN258SN, I could take it at daytime, today I'd like to show the photos☆

ちなみに、Western Globalは相変わらずこのN258SNで夕方ソウルから着いて、夜にソウルに戻る運用を続けています。
Anyway, Western Global still come to Hong Kong with this N258SN at late afternoon from Incheon and depart back there at night.
↑It still belongs to night team(><)

Then, please see the photos taken☆↑↑↑↑: 撮影日はガスが濃かったので、背景が何もないです(><)
↑↑↑↑: There were much strong gas on this day, so no back ground can be seen(><)

Anyway then, it should be strange question, what do you think N258SN will be in the future?

As on my opinion, it will get full color of Western Global? This is because one of their fleets, N356KD started operation with same color as this N258SN, I guess it will grew same as N356KD.

⇩As a reference, the photos of N356KD when it started operation⇩⇐Almost  same color  as  N258SN☆
⇩去年撮影したフルカラーのN356KD⇩⇐Western Globalの747はこっちの色でで知られていますよね(^ω^) ☆
⇩The photos of N356KD with full color taken last year⇩⇐747s of Wsatern Global are known as this color(^ω^)☆

あと、番号なんですが、  カリッタでも同じ機体で番号が変わっているので、他の747がN344KD,N356KDで-KDなので、変わるかもとか思いましたが、MD-11のフルカラーで、-SN機体が、何機かいるので、N258SNのままですかね?というか、調べたら、Western Globalって、MD-11って、12機も持っていて、2機がお休み中みたいです。(そんなにいたかな?4,5機くらいしか見ていない気がする)
And the about its registration No., I have seen some Karitta 747s which had changed their No.s so I guess N258SN will change in the future, because the other 747s are N344KD and N356KD, both are -KD? But seeing their MD-11 fleets, some of  them are -SN so N258SN won't change? Anyway I found they have 12 MD-11s and 2 of them are stored now.(I wonder they have that many MD-11s? I remember I had seen 4 or 5,,,)

Anyway, what will the No, be in the future?(I am interested in a little bit)

And I found sad information during I was trying to find fleets information(><)

The N356KD whose photos I just mentioned, has been stored from Dec 2020(><)


-飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)
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