飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)

きれいに撮れたER-BBBとER-BBC☆: Could take ER-BBB and ER-BBC better☆



Aerotranscargo, as you may know it because I posted about this airline sometimes in the past, and I have called it "The idol cargo airlines in Hong Kong". I posted about its new 747s, ER-BBB and ER-BBC, on this post. I finally could take them well, so I would like to post them again today(^^) 

As for me, it took long quite time for me to take their better photos(><)
This is because after these 2 747s had joined to Aetrotranscargo, and after ER-JAI had got logos on its body, Aerotranscargo increased their flights to China, I remember. In tern,,, they decreased those to Hong Kong(;;) 

When it comes to Aerotranscargo, they sometimes had 2 flights a day in Hong Kong. It must be sad to know that they decreased flights to Hong Kong at the time when I would start enjoying the happy time to see their new 2 747s(ER-BBB/ER-BBC with logos) and see bland new fashionable 747 with logos(ER-JAI) (><)

Anyway, I have not taken the bland new ER-JAI under better conditions yet, and the night shots of ER-BBC and ER-JAI. I will post when I can take them well(><)

SORRY for placing long complaint before showing photos taken, please see them as below(^∀^;)

■ER-BBB↑↑: 11月22日に撮影した25R降りです
↑↑: Landing to 25R taken on 22nd Nov
↑↑↑: 5月23日に撮影した25L降りです☆
↑↑↑: Landing to 25L taken on 23rd May☆

↑↑↑: 少し逆光ですが、5月8日に撮影した25L上がりです☆でもやはり、25Lの上りを山から撮りたかった(>ω<)
↑↑↑: It should be back to the light a little,,,its taking off from 25L taken on 8th May☆ I had wanted to take its 25L taking off from mountain point for long time(>ω<)↑↑↑: 5月22日に撮影した25L降りです。このポイントで真横を撮るのは風向き次第で、運なのですが、この日は真横が撮影できました。高層マンションバックの真横撮影で撮影でかなり満足(^ω^)☆
↑↑↑: Landing to 25L taken on 22nd May. It should depend on the winds if I can take right beside shots of planes from this point. I could take them with back of tall apartments, I got really satisfied with it(^ω^)☆ 
↑↑↑: 同じく5月22日、25Lからの離陸をHAECO周辺からの撮影です。上の5月8日と同じ角度を予測して待機していたのですが、それよりかなり低めだったので、いいところでフェンスが映りこんでしまいました(><)HAECOはむつかしい(><)
↑↑↑: Taking its departure from HAECO point on 22nd May. I expected the same angle with the one of 8th May but it took off much lower than it, it took off behind the fence seen from where I waited. Taking best shots from HAECO must be very difficult(><)  

I will do seek the nice photos of this idol cargo airline in Hong Kong(^∀^)☆



-飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)
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