飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)

元JALの2機!スター・エアの767: Origin from JAL! 2 767s of Star Air



This is continuing from the subject of the airlines which can be seen in Hong Kong these day.

Today's airline and aircraft is

767 of Stair Air☆

↑: 空港のスケジュールにはこんな感じで、SSRで表示されています。
↑: It is shown as SSR on the airport schedules liken this.

Taking their shots is quite difficult because both arrival and departure are at night, they arrived Friday midnight and departed at Saturday night. I remember they came to Hong Kong 3 or 4 times, I tried to see arrival twice because B6 usually take off very hight.
※Last Saturday they delayed and arrived after sunrise,,,,←I shuold have forced me to come(++) 

↑: スター・エアは1987年設立のデンマークの貨物航空で、機材は11機の767-200SFと3機の767-300SFだそうです。こんな感じで夜撮影ですが、3機の767-300SFのうち、2機、OY-SRWとOY-SRVを撮影しましたが、調べたらともに元JAL機でした。
↑: Star Air is a Danish cargo airline established in 1987. They have 11 767-200SFs and 3 767-300SFs. All are night shots like this, I took 2 of their 3 767-300SF, OY-SRW and OY-SRV. I found both are arigin from JAL☆

↑↑↑: これら3カットは全てOY-SRWです。JAL時代の番号はJA633Jだったそうです。私が飛行機撮影を始める前、2010年には日本を離れたみたいなので、当時の画像はないですね(><)
↑↑↑: These 3 shots are of OY-SRW. The reg No. amang JAL was JA633J, it left Japan in 2010, before I started taking airliners, I did not take it then(><)

I took OY-SRW from MTR point, this is OY-SRV took from 25L end point. Both took at around 1:00AM(@@)
↑↑: こちらはOY-SRV。JAL時代の番号はJA631Jのようです。こちらも2010年には離日しているので、当時の写真はなし(><)なお、25Lエンドは暗いので、機体番号は編集している時にギリギリ分かるくらいでした(^^;)
↑↑: This is OY-SRV. The reg No. amang JAL was JA631J. It also left Janan before 2010, I have no photos(><)25L end point is so dark that I only could see the reg no. when I edited these photos(^^;)


-飛行機撮影(Airliner Spotting)
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